If what everything TRP/MRP says is true. How aren't 100% of married women cheating on their husbands who don't have this information? 7 upvotes | August 31, 2017 | by beta-to-boss ------------------------- There's obviously some exceptions to the theories here. Very religious women, women who were raised better, where cheated on and really hurt from it etc. that won't cheat no matter what. over at TRP sub it seems they all believe that every women WILL cheat given the chance of a better option. If this is true and MRP is life on hard mode how aren't 100% of women cheating on men who don't have this information. Because the theories/principles in here take lots of work. Work that almost every man (without this knowledge) isn't going to be doing years down the road in their marriage. Most wouldn't even think to do it. Nights outs. Leading. Constant gaming. Etc. and I've seen some "happily married" people who or women who don't cheat. On men who not only don't have this information but don't follow the principles naturally. I just find it hard to believe every single woman is cheating when something a little better comes along. ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/205550