Q: Frustrating Problem 10 upvotes | June 16, 2017 | by r1a2n3d4o5m6 ------------------------- Throwaway account for reasons you'll understand. Background: Mid-40s, found MRP 12 months ago (lurker), following MAP, dropped 60lbs, currently 180lbs, owning my shit, receiving IOIs, wife loving it, sex gone from 1-2/mth duty sex, to 3-4/wk, finances good, parenting great. My problem is premature ejaculation. No matter what I do or try, I can't get it under control. Seems to be getting worse as our relationship gets better. Seems much worse after a bit of a break from sex. i.e. 5 days of shark week results in a very quick result. If we have sex 3-4 days/nights in a row, I can last forever by the day 4. Wife seems understanding, but it still frustatres the ever living fuck out of me. Any MRPers have any advice? ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/205998