Explosive AM 6 upvotes | June 10, 2017 | by Venge97RI ------------------------- Hey all - just checking in on this one , not sure what the best way to handle it is. GF has to get up this AM to take her Grandmother to run some errands. asks me to pick up a coffee while she's getting dressed and some food for the kids. she'll order on the app and i'll just go in and get it. She orders , i head to pick it up.. and boom only 1/2 the order is there , some technical issue. I dont have a copy of what she ordered, so i call , get her in the shower and shes all yelling WTF.. i try to order what i can hear. and get home All hell breaks loose and she is losing her shit..im a pussy , i cant handle a simple task, im a pushover and will take whatver they give me, fuck me , im an asshole i dont care about anyone else etc.... i'm just like really its fucking coffee and donuts, im not taking your shit for the store fucking up when i dont know what you ordered. really not sure how to handle something like this.. told her im tired of this shit , she wants it , she can go and get it and deal with the stores fuck-ups there. just seems to be the opposite of how i deal with things , you know there is a risk of a messed up order , but i dont rant and rave about it , if it happens and personally attack my partner for somone elses mistake she then stormed off slamming doors and yelling on the way out.. im considering cancelling a dinner i planned with her tonight and just saying fuck it , if this is how your gonna be , i dont want to spend my money on that kind of night not like im not taking care of shit around the house..hell yesterday i successfully had a legal matter against us dismissed and re-negotiated a lease on our place. Ideas?? Comments?? _Edit_ its not a stock order, she cycles through a few different drinks, so its not like i should know how she takes her coffee . the orders vary each time ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/206026