Ever get a total transformation of feeling toward your partner? 9 upvotes | April 5, 2017 | by SandmanRP ------------------------- Throwaway, but I've been lurking on another account for a while Have you guys ever found yourself transitioning completely from being totally on board and in love with your partner (mostly LTR but possibly marriage) to just complete annoyance and no desire to see/spend time with them? Happened to me recently and it caught me off guard. I'm now wondering if my eyes are open and I will now never be able to see them like I did before, or if this is just temporary and might revert back soon? What is the next logical course of action to take? Sit on those feelings and see if it changes or be honest with them and let it possibly lead to a breakup? Wondering if you guys have ever had this feeling as well. I'd appreciate any input ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/206315