Dread possibly working 5 upvotes | March 25, 2016 | by RPStruggle ------------------------- Been running MAP for three months. In the last month, I joined a gym instead of lifting outside, started meditating, visiting counselor(solo) about my codependency(oneitis), started fishing again once a week and continued to take care of things at home. Teasing her on the daily and she loves it. While my SMV is at an all time high, sex isn't there and all of the rejections are rain checks, which we all know are meaningless and non binding. Also, at one point I was getting on her nerves in the bedroom by messing with her hair, and she said "you keep that up and I'll extend your sentence". I said what sentence? "Me holding out sex from you". I told her that was the dumbest thing I've ever heard, rolled over and went to sleep. I haven't initiated since. Anyway, the dread is starting to get to my wife, in the last two weeks, she ran a jealousy play for a couple days on me where I never took the bait, started to talk like she thought she was pregnant, she wanted to know if I'd like that, which I said not at the moment and left it at that. (she was inquiring if I wanted another because she wants one, a month ago she didn't). And she really pressed hard about getting a dog, which I have shut down without wavering. On top of that a random girl in my office building gave me her number, in which I laughed off to my wife. She's been noticeably more interested in me since. Middle of shark week. She came to me the other night and put her head on my chest and just laid there, eventually asking me "Is the reason you don't want a kid and a dog because you're going to ask me for a divorce?" I didn't reply. She asked again, the tone was filled with insecurity, so I kissed her on the forehead, held her and said "no". Still on her period, today she text asks me what the plans are tonight. I told her I'm going fishing after work. (Her mom and grandma are in town and I'd prefer to avoid) Her: "Thanks for asking me before you made plans" Her: "We need to have a talk when you get home" (making demands, proper response?) Looks like things could be coming to a head. She knows I want sex and she's once a monthing me as it is, I've began to care less about getting it when she turns me down thanks to my improvement on letting go of trying to control the outcome. What's the play here? ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/207566