Thanks and Progress Report 9 upvotes | March 20, 2016 | by Alpha-Gator ------------------------- Hello gentlemen, I've never introduced myself so I'd like to do so now. I'm a 25yo veteran, married to my high-school sweetheart for 8 years in July. After we moved in together and had our first of two kids, the shit-testing and the downward slide of our sex life started. In 2012 while we were living apart after my deployment (it didn't make sense to move her out for 4 months) I openly cheated on her several times, and I believe she cheated although she never confessed to it. I started MRP about a year ago, and it was tremendously slow-going. I was going to school on military benefits and not working, so I felt completely useless and emasculated. When I started implementing MRP, I didn't get results until I started dressing up and going out on my own when my wife was a bitch. Now, I've started a new high-paying job with plenty of potential and a new sense of a mission in my life. I run my home like it is my castle, and my wife is finally following along of her own accord. She's started making lunch for me, ironing my clothes, and all the other "domestic wife" things I never would have imagined her doing without my asking. And the really amazing part is... I'VE NEVER SEEN HER HAPPIER. The cheating will always be in our pasts, and there's nothing that can be done about it. Many on MRP believe that cheating is the end of the relationship, but with young kids and the possibility of a devastating divorce I figured giving it a year was worth it. And it was. She has never appeared to be more dedicated and loyal to me and my mission. Yesterday after a daytime quickie (I come home for "lunch" a few days a week) she completely surprised me by apologizing for not having been enthusiastic when having sex, and reciting a list of things she had in mind. I winked, smacked her ass, and said "then I guess I'll see" before heading back to work. My lifts aren't where I want them, and my wardrobe doesn't include everything I'd like. I still need to work on game, and how to more aptly apply AA & AM. The most awesome version of myself is starting to show through, and I'm both excited and anxious for the continuing improvement process. Thanks for everything MRP; now that I've applied the strategy and introduced myself here on AskMRP, I'd like to spend time answering and helping to guide other men on their journey. Teaching, I have found, is always the best way to learn. Gator ------------------------- Archived from