What does MRP think of John Gottman? 7 upvotes | February 9, 2019 | by user123446777 ------------------------- Gottman is I think the biggest/hottest couples counselor out there. I've read a bunch of his stuff after my last breakup in an effort to better understand how relationships work. His work appeals to be because he is a researcher and has done a lot of empirical research. (His books are "the 7 principles for making marriage work" and "the science of trust") That said, some of the red pill stuff that I've seen so far appeals to me as well, at least the stuff about lifting, which I need to do more of. I imagine--being that Gottman is a mainstream couples counselor--that he is the polar opposite of the red pill theory, but I want to get the thoughts of actual red-pillers on this, maybe I'm wrong. What do or don't you like out his ideas? What are your criticisms? Not looking to debate or fight, just trying to hear "all sides" of this business so that I can figure out the truth for myself. https://www.gottman.com ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/217218