[FR] Shut your whore mouth 45 upvotes | February 24, 2019 | by red-sfpplus ------------------------- Yep, even your Daddy has his moments. Friday was National Margarita day. Who knew? Not this guy who is currently blasting his ass off and avoiding booze for the moment. But Mandy knew, and whatever she is a big girl and I love me some Fajitas. Previous sexual partners was the topic. In hind sight I suspect my girl was needing some comfort, and I missed the mark on this one. About 3 margs in I start getting pepper sprayed with questions about my "man whore" days, who I have fucked, where, when - in far more detail and pressure than ever before. AA was not going to fucking get the job done. I tried everything in the book, it was all a failure. Eventually, the Captain gave in and lost frame: "I don't remember how many women I have fucked, but I can tell you that you don't get this good by watching porn and jacking off. All you need to worry about is making sure you remain the only one I want to fuck" Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Yep, I really just said that as I watch her eyes start to water up and nothing but silence.... God fucking damn it son. So I did the only reasonable thing, I got up and went to the bathroom. Ever hear a juiced up faggot talking to himself while taking a piss and cussing himself out? Well it is pretty sad. I head back to the table, with my DNGAF meter turned up. Not going to dwell on it. My RP awareness coming back. Move the topic of discussion on. Nope, I sat down and she baited me again. "You know Red, I think it is kinda shitty that you have had sex with other women while you are still married." "Does that include you, cause last I checked we fuck like rabbits" "No, I am different, we didn't meet until after she moved out." "Oh, ok so the rules don't apply to you then, I see you are special. Check." At this point, I know exactly what she is doing. For the first time IN MY LIFE I am baiting a woman into an argument. All that shit I have talked about not purposefully giving your woman NEGATIVE FEELZ, AND HERE I AM DOING IT. And doing it like a boss. "I am not having sex with you tonight" "OK, well I am going to finish my fajitas and head over to the bar to find someone to fuck tonight since you are passing on the opportunity" - WITH A HUGE SHIT GRIN ON MY FACE Two seconds later she is kissing me, and yeah we fucked when we got home. That was Friday night. Saturday we lifted together and chilled. Today as we were eating she says: "You know when you got riled up Friday night, you went straight for the jugular vein. It really bothered me at the time, but it was kinda hot at the same time. You said exactly what you felt. That would have been a weekend long argument with my ex" "Me to, fighting sucks. I'll try not to rip your jugular vein out again in the future when you pick a fight with me" With a kiss on the forehead and a shit eating grin. Lessons learned: If you are going to break frame - BREAK FUCKING FRAME LIKE A BOSS. Maybe this is what Rian, BPP and WSS talk about when they speak of manufactured drama? Maybe manufactured drama should be re-coined to "gracefully breaking ones frame on purpose?" But I didn't break it on purpose or gracefully. I got fed up with shit talk from a teenager, and I shut it down hard. So hard, so hard... Anyway, flame away faggots. Nothing brings me more joy that y'all learning at my expense. I blame the Tren. ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/219799