Am I Holding Frame Well or Just Being Stupid? 13 upvotes | April 5, 2019 | by Keefe9973 ------------------------- Hey guys this is my first post on here. I'm in an LTR expecting marriage eventually if I choose to go down that route. This is my first red pilled relationship and as time progressed I fell back to beta blue pill habits and completely lost the frame. When you have oneitis it's really easy to throw the red pill away and act like you found the unicorn. We actually had a break up a few weeks back and I followed some red pill wisdom and it worked to perfection. She came back and fell into my frame and I was honestly blown away by the results! It was at that point that I was completely sold on the red pill. Tonight my GF posted a story on her IG and her boobs were showing in it. She has very big tits so she says it's hard to keep them out of her page. She has posted more inappropriate pictures in the past and I felt insecure about it and was acting to beta to say anything. This time I DM'd her about the picture and said "Hot, but keep your tits off the gram." She replied "You can't tell me what to do!!!" I had been ignoring her texts during this time as well. About three hours later I responded and simply said "I don't like my girlfriends boobs to be on social media." In the past with her I have immediately jumped into argument with her, DEERing regularly etc. This time, I think it's because I've been staying fresh on TRP, I felt very stoic about the whole thing. I am not mad, and I am not insecure about this. I simply find the behavior inappropriate for my serious GF if I'm considering you a wife candidate. She proceeds to absolutely lose her mind. I run a fitness page on IG so she called me a hypocrite to which I said something to the effect of "I'm not arguing about my fitness page and you know that's different. The topic at hand is you posting pictures on social media highlighting your boobs which I don't like my girl friend to do." She was really going berserk on me at this point. She called me disrespectful, insecure, borderline abusive, a brat and you name it. She told me she's way to nice and loving to me for me to treat her this way. I simply replied and told her I was not mad or insecure and restated I did not like her posting pics with her boobs in them on social media. This whole situation has really caught me by surprise. Perhaps my being unfazed really pissed her off but I am just shocked at how angry she became over this. It ended with her texting me saying not to text her and she'd hmu sometime soon and I replied and said "uhhh okay then. Goodnight I love you." I am doing my absolute best to remain unaffected. At the end of the day this was not the best picture for me to pick this battle with. She has posted many more in the past that were significantly worse so I can see why she would be confused by me making this rule. However I felt I needed to hold frame when she refused to comply. I would appreciate feedback on how I am doing about holding frame, what I should expect from here and if I made the right decision reigning this behavior in. Ultimately she is a good GF and typically submits to my leadership but at times she can get very independent. Thanks in advance First Edit: This is a quick edit but after reading the responses I felt I should clarify my reasoning for telling her I didn't want her to post these pictures. If she chose to continue doing so I could not consider her for a LTR. If she doesn't comply it's fine, I will just reevaluate how I perceive her. I saw it as a shit test and thought I needed to maintain my boundaries. Should I expect her to reach out to me after I ignore her and fall in line more? Anyways thanks already. I appreciate you guys challenging me on all of this 2nd Edit: I would like to apologize for not having read the sidebar. I have read it now. I read the LTR Checklist and realized I was way off on this one already. I haven't ever been active on reddit much at all before and just really needed to find somewhere to get advice as this happened last night and I was all confused. I appreciate everyones help. The brutal honesty has been helpful to smack me in the face because I don't have anyone else to do it and I was raised beta blue pill. I look forward to mastering red pill and helping anyone in my position soon. ------------------------- Archived from