It’s so rare to see unfiltered confident people 183 upvotes | April 23, 2019 | by polarizingpotato ------------------------- I always wished I could be a kid again when I was 6 and still growing up. I had no care in the world. Did I care what people think of me? No. Was I self conscious? No. Did I think I wasn’t enough or lacking something? No. Was I shy? No. Did I say whatever I wanted? Yes. Did I have fun? Yes. Did I talk to people without feeling all awkward and shit? Yes. I was Iike the social god back then. For a fact, girls called me disgusting and weird a lot of times. But I didn’t give a fuck. I was having fun. I was truly who I was. You don’t understand the freedom I felt. Now it’s like my brain is rewired with all this bullshit. I can’t act myself freely anymore. Im a lot better the past few years, but only if there was a way to adopt the mindset I had when I was a child. That true inner core confidence. I just know if I had that now, life would be so. much. better. Unimaginable. If only there was a way.. I’ve read countless of books, amazing reddit posts, YouTube videos, but that shit DOESNT TRULY fix the problem within. I’m so tired of it all. I know what it felt like to be so free back then. And I crave that freedom today. ------------------------- Archived from