Shit test don't ever stop do they? 7 upvotes | May 7, 2019 | by Tjommas ------------------------- My LTR of 4 years is a good companion. We have a good time in eachothers company and for most of our time together I've been a good and strong captain. Even though I learned what the red pill was about a year ago I've been faking RP behaviour for most of our relationship (was very BP until learning of it, but my gf before this one cheated and I became a douchebag because of it, classic eh?) So agree & amplify, deflect etc. became automatic responses. Hence I've passed most shit tests with flying colors. And there has been plenty, as it should be, she needs to know she has a strong partner. For the last days though I've been ill, pretty hefty fever, and the BP part of me wants to be cuddled and cared for, to some degree she does this, but the shit tests have increased a lot, she's even given me shit for not cleaning up after myself after eating while I'm laying on the couch sweating like a pig haha! Anyhow I've been pissed off quite a bit as I don't have the energy for that shit and has snapped a couple times, and sometimes even straight out ignored her, yup the retard STFU. How have you guys dealt with these kinds of situations, I can't be the only idiot that fails shit tests when sick? Edit: Spelling, formatting. ------------------------- Archived from