My neighbor sent a message on Instagram to a girl I brought over 113 upvotes | May 30, 2019 | by EnlightenedViking ------------------------- Memorial Day weekend at my apartment complex and the community pool was the place to be. I brought a girl I've been seeing for 2 months with me and introduced her to some people, including my neighbor. I don't mate-guard and keep things at a chill/friendly vibe with everyone at my pool. She talked to a lot of girls at the pool and I had a good chat and beer with my neighbor. 2 days later this dude somehow found the girl I brought over to the pool's Instagram profile and sent her a direct msg a couple of days late saying "great to hang out this weekend" She showed me last night and laughed it off saying "how guys are creepy and just don't care" It just a weasel move from my perspective. How would you handle it? Any different that he is my neighbor? ------------------------- Archived from