I was too nice to my now ex and she took advantage of that. Definitely was beta,red pill way to move forward and be more alpha. Need to work on my best self! 75 upvotes | September 3, 2019 | by eliteomegabc ------------------------- You read it I was a beta bitch with my now ex gf, I made her a priority, I validated her, texted her all the time by being available, gave her slot of compliments, gifts for her the whole beta shit. And before she ended things she was staring to act weird and be mean at times. And instead of laying it straight to her j wasn’t gonna talk that shit, I would ask what’s wrong and what not. She ended up ending things cause she didn’t feel the same as she once did. She told me the whole BS “nothing you did wrong, you were a great guy, treated me amazing, I want you in my life and be friends.” All that BS I denied friendship screw that mot being friend while you’re screwing other guys. And she also dumped me cause I didn’t have my career yet, despite her knowing I’m in school working towards that. We had a discussion after I didn’t contact her and she saw I was doing alright, saw I was able to still go out and go to a bar and talk to girls. Saw this on social media. She got pissed I wasn’t home crying or whatever. And now she said maybe this can work in the future, and wants this to be a break. But she’s already talking to someone else who I assume she’s more money than me, so she’s trying to make me her plan “B” and I ain’t taking that haven’t talked to her since. And not looking back. Need some red pill advice on how to just move forward and say screw it. I’ve been hitting the gym more already, been doing things I want to do and now I’m trying to go back out there on dates. But I don’t wanna fall back into the beta mentality but I also don’t want to become a complete dick either. ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/251591