Got cheated on by LTR, to next or to plate? 99 upvotes | September 6, 2019 | by MuttonRoll ------------------------- I went through her phone this past Sunday as she slept and I found some pictures of her in bed with her ex. It shook me up a little because she never gave the hint that something was wrong. Sex was on demand, she'd go out of her way to do little things for me, overall being very submissive. I even read through her chat with the guy and it was full of mushy talk and nudes that she hadn't even sent me. With the exchanges between them it almost looked like they were still dating. He even asks her several times if she talks to me and she vehemently denies it, lying to him too in the bargain. I was angry and hurt at first but now I realize its just that my turn is over. As a result, moving forward with this chick is out of the question. I don't want things to be the same, whatever attachment I had for her has been destroyed. But I want some advice on how to move from here. My first reaction was to end things immediately without explanation. She's completely in the dark about me knowing anything at all to the point where if I ghost her, she probably won't draw a conclusion to the fact that I found out about her cheating. I know its beta and not my concern, but deep down I do want her to feel horrible for losing me. Another part of me wants to calmly confront her with all the evidence one of these days after we've fucked, as I walk away after and never speak to her again. At the same time I want to write to the ex too, telling him that me and her have been together indeed as I send her pictures of me with her. She won't have him to go back to either then. I've also considered plating her as I talk other girls on the side. She's hot and amazing in bed and I really enjoy fucking the life out of her. It's getting harder and harder for me to be nice to her anymore, I've let these feelings simmer for a few days now and I'm not sure how I should proceed ------------------------- Archived from