Think I might be legit depressed. Not sure what to do. I tried meds in the past but they fucking ruined my libido and appetite. Scared about the future. 82 upvotes | September 14, 2019 | by bf1bro18 ------------------------- I have a full time job and am saving heaps every paycheck. I have decent looks and an impressive physique. No debt, don't smoke or drink, can talk to whoever and put on the social mask when needed. But holy fuck I am lonely man, I just feel so out of the whole race with relationships (both intimate and friendship) and it is ruining my head. I have 3 days off every week and I just sit on my laptop and drink coffee, cook meals for myself and watch YouTube. I also hit the gym and go out on my own sometimes just to grab food and get out. But it's not doing anything for me anymore. I don't know what I want or how to find out. So fucking tired and sort of becoming scared as time goes on. Am 26 btw. ------------------------- Archived from