Relapse and Hysterical Bonding 9 upvotes | October 29, 2019 | by ErosofTitan ------------------------- Gents, I’ve lost my fucking way. I swallows the pill 3 years ago. Never posted much because my journey was mine and I didn’t know how much it would actually add to the community. In the last year, I made several terrible decisions that led to me tearing my freshly laid brick frame to pieces. I’m getting started now on going through the side bar again. I’ve already skimmed Athol’s Marriage Attraction, and I have Rational Male cued up next. I’m sitting here after the worst month of my life and just trying to climb out of the fucking hole. Ive put a barrel in my mouth twice and if it wasn’t for my kids I probably would have done it. I need a quick shot of adrenaline guys, I’m in financial ruin, in a decent job, and I’m failing to lead on a massive scale. I for whatever reason have burdened my wife as my unicorn saviors and canNot seem to get anything right when gage is not with me. I am consistently fucking up to the detriment of myself and my family. What would be your best next step for someone that needs to get out of the hole and start moving forward. I need to break the HB so that I’m able to get my personal agency and mobility back. I know some of this is victim puke, but I’m at the end of my fucking rope. ------------------------- Archived from