**Realization** Gay men are not just like straight women 8 upvotes | November 1, 2019 | by Rano_Ali ------------------------- I'll preface this in saying, I think I may be RP'd but I still have shit in my life to sort out. While trying to figuring out who the hell I am, I am seeing a difference between women and men. I'm a fairly fit guy now and only got this way after working through some serious baggage I picked up being in the scene and from childhood. I also had pre-hypertension about a decade ago and it was my wake-up call. I make it a mission to set a challenge for myself everyday and to go balls-to-the wall and make that goal happen. Doesn't always work and some days I feel like I wrestle mental demons, but a nice workout helps me chill out and face another day. Female family members and former female friends comment and coo over how great I look and I must have all the guys/girls after me. At first, when I was shallow as fuck, it was nice now it comes off as banal chit chat, especially when they ask me to write up a plan and methodology for them. They balk at the HARD WORK IT INVOLVES or bit!h about doing a diet or restricted eating. It just made me see that when it comes to hard work, like Patrice O'Neal said (paraphrasing) _Women do not want to work hard. Women want to wait at the finish line and then ride on top of the guy into the sunset_ ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/293556