Study: Women, without exceptions, found muscular, "ripped" men most attractive; although in social contexts they lie to avoid hurting men around them. 409 upvotes | November 15, 2019 | by TotalBasturd ------------------------- Women were shown a series of male bodies and they had to rate separately how attractive they found them and how strong they believed the bodies were. The results: more muscular, more "shredded" bodies (more visible musculature as a result of low body fat) were considered both the most attractive and the strongest. But it appears that in social scenarios women usually lie about this to appear less shallow or to conform to social expectations of them. "All bodies are beautiful", "I don't actually care about looks", "Dad bods are actually sexy", you know what we're talking about. This is a discussion but also a Question4Women: Do you lie about what kind of men you find attractive? Do you do it to avoid social backlash against you or to avoid hurting men who might hear you? ------------------------- Archived from