Cancelled flight, left her stranded. Am I in the wrong? 77 upvotes | October 19, 2014 | by LeTemps1212 ------------------------- Throwaway account here. I realize I may be asking a loaded question to the TRP community but I would like everyone's honest opinion. Background: I had invited this girl that I had been seeing (technically a friend I would have physical interactions with) to a midwest destination. We both live in opposite coastal cities and I wanted to visit this midwest city but not by myself. I contacted her initially to see if she would like to come and she declined since she was seeing someone at that time. A couple months later she contacts me out of nowhere (no communication since initial contact) and she states she would like to visit that city with me as well and that she was no longer seeing anyone. I book her flights and my own to this midwest destination as well as lodging and a rental car. We both arrive to this city and we have a great time initially. On the 1st night, she refuses my advances, saying she was too tired and hot. That's fine. I felt I would be able to succeed on the 2nd night. 2nd night rolls around, we both go out to meet up with her friends and she completely ignores me the entire night. I start drinking heavily (along with herself) and try to distract myself by talking to another girl in the group. After a long night, we finally get back to my place and again I try to initiate physical contact. She pushes me away this time, saying that she was too tired, too upset (she had been arguing with a friend from back home) and too hot. I roll back onto my side of the bed feeling extremely frustrated, enough so that I wouldn't fall asleep for the next hour. After being frustrated for an hour, I woke her up and stated that if she wasn't going to do anything physical over the course of the weekend, she could pack her bags and leave (this was 5 am in the morning). She promptly asks "seriously? I was going to wait and see over the weekend" gets up, packs her bags and leaves within 10 minutes. After a period of 12 - 14 hours after the argument which resulted in her leaving, I cancelled her flight, which I had paid for from the midwest city to her home effectively leaving her to pay for her own last minute, expensive flight. I also haven't notified her of the cancellation, and I'm working under the assumption that we will cease communicating in the future (she unfriended me on various social networks) Question: Was I in the wrong for canceling her flight and leaving her to get back on her own? I'm still on the fence about this since I feel like it was implied there would be physical contact during the trip and I did provide lodging, car rental and flights. I just feel morally wrong since I had let her go off on her own at 5 in the morning and I also cancelled her flight back to her destination. Would appreciate honest opinions /r/asktrp []. Thanks. ------------------------- Archived from