Ghosted by plate - thoughts? 69 upvotes | January 24, 2020 | by bluefingerblue ------------------------- Been hooking up with this girl for a few weeks. Sex only appointments after first date. Will hang out for a bit after but just lounging in bed, not going out. And no desire to LTR. Anyway, 3 days after I last saw her, she hits me up at night asking me to come over. Double texts a half hour later when I don’t respond and says “please.” I tell her I can’t and she pleads (gonna “let me” fuck her in the ass, etc). I tell her I legit can’t again. No texts since then. Fast forward a couple days later to this week and I tell her let’s hang out this weekend. And she ghosts that. Seemingly out of nowhere. I’m just curious if anyone has any idea what’s up here. Is that to be expected if you turn them down when they want dick? Does it sound like I made any mistakes? If not, I’ll just write it off as who knows, who cares. But simply curious if there’s an explanation or something to learn from. Thanks ------------------------- Archived from