How to stop being intimidated when hanging out with higher value groups 145 upvotes | January 27, 2020 | by TheHayha ------------------------- One important factor to have fun and fuck in college is to be in a group that is valuable. Due to a logistical problem, I had to hang out a whole week end with the highest value group of my college. You know, the kind of alphas we drool over on trp, and highly attractive girls that hang out with them. I had fun with them, partied with them, and I even reached the point where the one I connected the most with were like "damn that's so cool we met you, idk why we haven't before". I was accepted. But the issue is that even though I am decently attractive, tall, muscular, dress well, all the perceived high value stuff, I'm deep down still intimidated by some of them, and as a result I am not fully myself with them (I am not behaving as confident as I am with lower values group), it's like an internal sticking point. Has anyone encountered the same, or know how to overcome this ? ------------------------- Archived from