The Red Pill, You & Morality 741 upvotes | May 18, 2015 | by IllimitableMan ------------------------- E̶D̶I̶T̶:̶ ̶I̶ ̶H̶I̶T̶ ̶T̶H̶E̶ ̶C̶H̶A̶R̶A̶C̶T̶E̶R̶ ̶L̶I̶M̶I̶T̶ ̶W̶H̶E̶N̶ ̶I̶ ̶S̶U̶B̶M̶I̶T̶T̶E̶D̶ ̶T̶H̶I̶S̶ ̶P̶O̶S̶T̶,̶ ̶S̶O̶ ̶I̶'̶M̶ ̶G̶O̶I̶N̶G̶ ̶T̶O̶ ̶E̶D̶I̶T̶ ̶T̶H̶I̶S̶ ̶U̶P̶ ̶A̶ ̶B̶I̶T̶ ̶A̶N̶D̶ ̶A̶D̶D̶ ̶T̶H̶E̶ ̶R̶E̶S̶T̶ ̶O̶F̶ ̶W̶H̶A̶T̶ ̶I̶ ̶W̶A̶N̶T̶E̶D̶ ̶T̶O̶ ̶S̶A̶Y̶ ̶I̶N̶T̶O̶ ̶A̶ ̶B̶L̶O̶G̶ ̶P̶O̶S̶T̶.̶ ̶W̶I̶L̶L̶ ̶E̶D̶I̶T̶ ̶T̶H̶E̶ ̶L̶I̶N̶K̶ ̶I̶N̶ ̶T̶O̶ ̶T̶H̶A̶T̶ ̶H̶E̶R̶E̶ ̶W̶H̶E̶N̶ ̶I̶T̶'̶S̶ ̶D̶O̶N̶E̶.̶ UPDATED VERSION: HTTP://ILLIMITABLEMEN.COM/2015/05/19/THE-RED-PILL-YOU-MORALITY/ [] ------------------------- You can choose not to be a snake and not betray a man you respect because you are a man of principle. You can choose not to fuck another man's girl, whether he's a close friend or not because one of the principles you follow in your life is the golden rule: _"I wouldn't want a guy fucking my girl, so I won't fuck another guy's girl." Or "do unto others as they do unto you"_ Moral principles aren't blue pill. Thinking that everyone has the same principles as you, and that most people don't succumb (or even value) incentive over principle, is. Modern men who prioritize sex and utilitarianism above principles; men who prioritise incentives over an innate sense of justice we all possess don't want to hear that. They don't want to observe another man's moral code, one that holds that man to a higher standard of behaviour than he subjects himself to. Because for the ruthless Machiavellian, the pragmatist, justice is an obstruction to his desires. They think "Does this guy think he's better than me? Why is he trying to preach his principles like religion or something? The best way is the way that works, he's naive for having principles. Period." These people, the "amoral bandwagon" as I call them, like to prioritise incentive over justice. These people make shit friends and business partners. Incentive cares about what you get out of it. Justice cares about "what the right thing to do is." These people violate justice because there is an incentive to do so. That doesn't make them evil in the satanic meaning of the word, but it does make them prone to immorality. These people know what they're doing will hurt others, they just don't give a shit. _"Doesn't matter, had sex."_ And then without a hint of irony the same guy who said that is going to be pissed when he finds out his baby mother just sucked off some guy behind a dumpster. HE WANTS OTHER PEOPLE TO RESPECT HIS DIGNITY AND NOT VIOLATE HIM, BUT HE DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT VIOLATING OTHERS. Humans are emotional people, emotional people follow principles and have certain codes of behaviour they follow. Having one guiding policy "do whatever and fuck whoever to get what you need" is destructive. Some people are like that. There were always people like that. Fuck it, whatever. That's their choice. In some situations, we advise that. But do these people really have a moral pedestal to say "you have principles and therefore you're an idiot who doesn't get TRP?" - No. Shut up. You can understand the game and keep your principles if you want to. JUST REALISE THAT TO LIVE UP TO YOUR PRINCIPLES, YOU WILL SACRIFICE INCENTIVES. IF YOU HAVE A PARTICULARLY STRONG SENSE OF JUSTICE, YOU WILL NEVER LIVE OUT RP PHILOSOPHY FULLY. To be honest, to fully live out TRP philosophy in your life, you'd have to be incredibly immoral. TO BE AMORAL IS TO BE PSYCHOPATHIC, BECAUSE AMORALITY IS NEUTRALITY, IT IS FACTUAL, IT IS DEVOID OF HUMAN EMOTION. HUMAN ACTION IS NOT AMORAL, ONLY STRATEGY/KNOWLEDGE ITSELF IS. DO YOU SEE THE DISCONNECT THERE? The world is not a fair place, sometimes you may need to be immoral to simply survive, but there's no need to glorify that shit. If it's necessary, and you're not simply indulging yourself, then so be it. But there's a difference between stealing to eat and stealing because "who's gonna stop me?" And guys who get the game but choose not to steal other people's girls, or scam people out of money in sales aren't blue pillers. They simply have stronger moral principles than you. Maybe they can afford to have those principles and survive, and you can't, it simply is what it is. TRP is here to show you how the game works, not to tell you how to live your life. We give advice when asked, sure, but you live the way that suits you best. You own your choices. TRP IS AMORAL IN THE SENSE THAT IT SAYS "IT IS WHAT IT IS.": _Hypergamy? It is what it is._ _Branch swinging to the next best thing? It is what it is._ _Alpha fucks, beta bucks? It is what it is._ _Women have innate value whilst men don't? It is what it is._ You can't change these things, you can build a culture designed to subvert these things, but they're not going anywhere. The reason the west is falling apart is because we don't subjugate these things like we used to. Peel back all the bullshit, and you see women, as well as a lot of men on this board, are immoral creatures. I don't intend that to be a value judgement, but without getting into some bullshit philosophical argument and redefining what good and bad are (been done to death and people always try to whore up my time with this nonsense) we all know what good and bad is innately. If you violate someone else's rights because there is incentive for you (stealing, adultery etc) that's bad. Some philosophical ideas preach otherwise (Nietzsche and social darwinism comes to mind,) but these are simple redefinitions of reality from a metaphysical or scientific perspective. You are not mathematics, burying yourself in abstraction will not immunise you to human instincts. It doesn't matter if DNA and atoms are amoral, and that you're a collection of atoms and DNA that is in an amoral competition. The combination of all those things in tandem gave you a sense of justice. You have a revenge instinct. Your sense of justice and need for revenge are the basis for all moral guiding principles. You're part of a game that is not adequately represented by maths and physics. Those things can't explain morality in a useful manner, because morality is only part logic, the rest is the intangibility of emotion. If a guy doesn't want a life of ruthless Machiavellianism and unbridled hedonism, that's his choice. Just like MGTOW, PUA or being a patriarch with a family is a choice. None of which are "right choices" but simply "are." As long as he understands that this won't stop other people from living that kind of life, and that women are immoral, he's good. If he takes action to defend himself from people who respond only to incentives and disincentives and ignore moral principles based upon justice/injustice, then he's good. People will always debate shit to death out of the principle of "demonstrating superiority," but most people who advocate for immoral behaviour don't even have the conviction to call what they're advocating for immoral. They know it's immoral, they know fucking someone's wife and breaking up that family is immoral. But they rather call it amoral and say "well she was going to ruin that marriage anyway." "If he was alpha enough she wouldn't be cheating on him, so he deserves it." "I have no commitment to that other guy, I don't even know him, so if his girl wants my dick, I'm going to press that." If that doesn't sound like bullshit to you, I don't know what to say. THE GUY IS COMPLICIT, HE'S AN ACCESSORY TO A WHORE'S IMMORALITY, BUT BECAUSE PUSSY IS ON OFFER, HE DOESN'T CARE. When you try to call that shit AMORAL, you care - a lot. You don't want people to think of you as immoral, so you try to say it's not good or bad but that it just simply "is." That family falling apart, or a relationship falling apart isn't your fault. If you give a girl dick who is in monogamy, that's always immoral, because you violated another man's rights. In agreed monogamy, you have rights over exclusive sexual access, when those rights are breached, immorality has occurred. Now if you have some open shit going, and your girl fucks another guy, then you knew the score. You may be butthurt, but you weren't betrayed. You were complicit. Complicit like the guy who knew he was fucking a taken girl but whose horniness overrode any moral principles he may otherwise adhere to. Betrayal is the key act that evokes a need for revenge. When betrayal occurs, so does immorality. "Bro-knighting" (a faggy term if I've ever heard one) is an issue of moral contention on this sub. It is men of different moral principles (and some without) essentially bickering what the right thing to do is when it comes to fucking a whore who is currently the sexual property of another man. I'm going to tell you now, I don't think this subreddit can tell you what the fuck to do. You have to figure that shit out for yourself. We can present balanced arguments, we can tell you the benefits of immorality vs. the benefits of morality, and combined with your own pain and experiences you will make a choice on how you choose to live your life based upon that. Sometimes you may violate your own principles because you can't keep your instincts in check, you're fallible after all. Telling you how to fuck someone over, as a "sexual strategy" is amoral. Actually doing that and infringing on someone else's rights and causing emotional pain? That's immoral. Every man must decide "do I want strong moral principles that I want to live by, or do I want to behave however I need to behave to get what I want?" And neither is red or blue pill. It simply "is." All choices and strategies are amoral, it's the act itself and how it affects others which is moral or immoral. People in this community who have chosen immoral lifestyles want to sell it as amoral. But that's disingenuous face-saving bullshit. If you're going to be immoral, own it, don't come up on the sub and act like folk with moral principles are "blue pillers" because even though they understand how fucked up the game is, they want to adhere to certain guiding moral principles in their life. A LOT OF PEOPLE ON TRP CONFUSE AMORALITY WITH DELUSION. THEY ARE DIFFERENT THINGS. AMORALITY IS SIMPLY STATING WHAT WORKS IN A SCIENTIFIC AND PRAGMATIC MANNER. DELUSION IS BELIEVING IN SOMETHING THAT IS NOT TRUE. So if you understand the game, but refuse to adapt to it - you are not blue pill, you are simply defiant, stubborn. You know some of you are fucking your guy's girlfriends and sisters and shit. That is fucked up you know. You don't deserve a wolf pack when you're pulling moves like that. Trust is a commodity. You need to adhere to certain moral principles whilst demanding others live up to the same moral principles to ensure that the bond of trust is not broken. People who are constantly out for themselves end up alone because there's a lack of trust on all sides. No trust = relationships fall apart. Why do men instinctually almost have close to zero trust for women? Because we know they're immoral creatures. We know they don't give a fuck. They must be regulated. If you've read TRP you know these women will do whatever is necessary to ensure their own well-being. They don't have a higher mode of thought, they just run off biological programming and do whatever to "get theirs." You can call that amoral if there's no malice behind it, but regardless the pain it causes across society is anything but. WE USED TO CHECK FEMALE BEHAVIOUR WITH MAN'S SENSE OF JUSTICE POSING AS DIVINELY ORDAINED, AND THEN IMPOSE THIS ON SOCIETY AS A WHOLE. BUT NOW MEN HAVE LOST CONTROL; FEMALE MORALITY RUNS THE SHOW. AND PLENTY OF GUYS ARE ADOPTING A FEMININE VIEW OF MORALITY TO "GET AHEAD." If you think morality is a wholly rational process, it isn't. Even in the intellectualism of Nietzcshe's master-slave morality or Ragnar Redbeard's "Might is Right" you can sense a certain hatred and contempt for weakness that inverses traditional morality as we know it. In fact, in a perverse way, I would say it something akin to natural female morality. AS IT SEEMS ALL BUT APPARENT THAT HYPERGAMY IS THE BASIS OF FEMALE MORALITY - WHAT ENRICHES HER IS GOOD, WHAT DOESN'T, IS BAD. It ignores other people's need for justice and is entirely self-serving. Sound familiar? In a way one could say TRP is the female strategy applied to male interests. Vice becomes virtue, and virtue becomes vice. Women are without honour unless they are taught and shamed into having some. They don't possess the natural sense of honour that men do, although, it would seem in this age of emasculation, more and more men are taking on female traits to "adapt" and "win." Look at society now. That is unsuppressed female sexuality running wild. Corrupt the women and the men will follow, because when men lose control on a cultural level they individually adapt themselves to succeed in a feral mating climate. That is what happens when we say "stop locking up your daughters and confining sex to marriage, let's have a mass orgie." Sex pushes people towards immorality to get an orgasm and feel powerful. The bonds of family, and thus civilization, are destroyed; one adulterous orgasm at a time. Neither the immoral/amoral or moral guy are really right in what they do. The immoral guy is "right" in he acquires the most incentives. The guy with strong principles is "right" in the sense he causes the least pain in the world. These aren't absolutes, you will do moral and immoral things throughout your life. Do I think the guy who leans more towards morality is blue pill? No. He is a man of principle. Choosing to have principles regardless of reality doesn't make you blue pill. What makes you blue pill is not understanding reality and telling yourself that things that aren't real are in fact, real. The blue pill is accepting dogma over the nature of how things work. So if you understand the game and decide you're going to be an upstanding guy, as long as you understand fully what is going on, you understand other people aren't going to play along to your tune, but DO YOU ANYWAY - then you're not deluded. You simply refuse to become immoral to be more successful. You value your principles more than financial or sexual success. That is rare, but good for you. IN A SUCCESS DRIVEN CAPITALIST CULTURE PEOPLE WILL VIEW YOU AS WEAK FOR THAT, BUT IT'S A MATURE DECISION WE ALL MUST MAKE. The game is fucked up, I know that better than most, and trying to normalise betrayal, deceit and double-crossing as the status quo is indicative of that. It's cultural regression. Don't do everything TRP tells you. Honestly, pick and choose to apply what you read here. As much as dark triad theory helps one acquire incentives for instance, I don't want to create a cult of wannabe psychopaths who try to medicate their pain and poverty through ruthlessness. So check yourself on that shit. As with everything, moderation. Anything taken to it's utmost extremity is insane. We've seen that with what feminism turned into. Alright, I'm done. Peace. PLUGS: Support my blog: Support /u/GayLubeOil for LOLs: Support /u/redpillschool by making sure you're on the puerarchy mailing list: ------------------------- Archived from