Men aren’t angry because they realized women want Chad. They’re angry because they realized they aren’t Chad. 351 upvotes | February 21, 2020 | by andidontcarehowufeel ------------------------- Let’s face it: testosterone is a hell of a drug. It can make you see god himself when you look in the mirror. That innate ego mixed with social conditioning makes most men view themselves as the best of them and overestimate their feats (see ‘The confidence gap’). Any threat to the contrary might as well be a threat to their manhood (and any threat to their manhood might as well be a threat to their life). “Chad” is a name to describe the quintessential male- the alpha of the pack- the peak of manhood. Basically, the best man. Before men of the manosphere had to accept that women are attracted to these men (something they all inherently knew), they had to first accept something absolutely shattering: they’re not him. They are not the best. They are lesser men. And they’ve been lying to themselves their entire lives. Very understandably, most men cannot accept this. It goes against nature, really. Testosterone won’t even “let” someone accept such a defeat. So while they’re logical enough to admit that “Chad” is desirable to women, they don’t have it in them to accept the implications. For this reason, many men choose to believe that “Chad” is simply what _women_ consider to be the best, and that they’re obviously malinformed. Other men, to lessen the embarrassment of thinking too highly of themselves, choose to believe that women as a whole lied to them about what they desired, and that they couldn’t have helped their false views. Anything to not come face to face with the fact that they’re not the men they thought they were. In conclusion, it’s all deflection. ------------------------- Archived from