[Mod] A thousand members! 33 upvotes | January 17, 2013 | by redpillschool ------------------------- A THOUSAND MEMBERS Who would've thought in two short months we’d be at a thousand readers? As we grow, we gain more attention. There have already been a few small outbreaks where different corners of the internet have discovered us and had their private bashing sessions. They don’t like what we’re saying. Every time I see a discussion denouncing our viewpoint I notice they all have something in common: They all mischaracterize our standpoint and rally the troops against it. It’s easier for them to characterize us as rapists than for them to develop a coherent argument against our viewpoint. There’s a reason for that. Because there is no argument against us. There is only truth and that which fails the truth test. We already dismiss the lies. How much denial must one embrace to assume that we’re just an outlier group of misfits that don’t understand women? We’re growing, ladies. We’re growing. And we’re not stopping. Surely, if there were no truth to our theories, men wouldn't stumble upon our group and think, “wow, these guys describe everything that’s happened in my life…” We’re at a thousand members now. And that’s two months. Consider that. Think about it. We’re not a hate group. We’re not violent. We’re not rapists. We’re just men. Doing what men have always done. And you don’t have to like it. Because all the other women _love it_. We don’t care if you understand. We think you shouldn't, and rightly assume you won’t. That doesn't matter. ------------------------- YOU PUT ON MAKEUP AND DO YOUR HAIR. _We learn game._ YOU REWARD MEN WHO WON’T BE ATTENTIVE. _We learn to stop being attentive._ YOU SHOW DISDAIN FOR MEN THAT WOULD TAKE CARE OF YOU. _We learn to stop taking care of you._ YOU GET LAWS PASSED TO MAKE MARRIAGE INTO A WELFARE-FOR-WOMEN SYSTEM. _We learn to stop getting married._ YOU ACT ENTITLED AND THROW TANTRUMS WHEN YOU DON’T GET YOUR WAY. _We learn not to respect that and treat you how you act._ YOU FIND OUR PAGE AND PUBLICLY DENOUNCE OUR FINDINGS, YOU MOCK AND INSULT US, AND YOU CRY AND CALL IT “SCARY.” YOU ATTEMPT TO SHAME US INTO SILENCE, YOU ATTEMPT TO PROVE TO THE WORLD WE HAVE NOT FOUND TRUTH. _Your efforts are useless, your word means less the more you say._ ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/3407