On platitudes, imperatives, and unsolicited advice 368 upvotes | July 13, 2015 | by redpillschool ------------------------- One of the defining characteristics of the red pill has been discussion of social theories that buck mainstream culture, things that sometimes highlight the ugly underside of human behavior. That discussion has been a core staple of our content here and has helped countless men find an identity and purpose in this culture. Some of those discussions have been along the lines of discussion of what female hypergamy is, Briffault's law, and various other gender politics. I'm always very interested when I see content that puts a new perspective on a behavior or interaction that I haven't considered before. We've analyzed female behavior through the lens of female solipsism, we've discussed women's behavior with other women, we've discussed the feminine imperative and the lengths women will go to when given opportunity. But one thing that I've always steered the sub away from was becomming a seddit-style self-help board full of platitudes and unsolicited advice. Don't get me wrong, if somebody asks "what would you do in this scenario" share your strategy. If you have a life strategy that you think brings good results, by all means share it. But if the title of your post is an imperative statement, don't post it. Just don't. Feel free to give us your theories, why you believe certain actions will maximize certain outcomes. But don't give unsolicited, feel-good advice. The fact is, most guys don't come here to be told what to do. They come here for raw knowledge on sexual behaviors so they can decide what they want to do themselves. Just today, I have removed a handful from our top list a series of submissions- while they may have some quality information, they're imperatives and they read like platitudes. Yes, of course, I'm going to do more things selfishly than before now that I'm a priority in my life. But this isn't Eat. Pray. Love. The article you should have posted was an analysis of how women manage to be prioritized in our minds- both by culture and biology, and how to counteract the effects. Not "do it for you." Doing it for yourself is a shortcut that skips the underlying theory on why it's effective. Of course it's good advice, but we're here to learn how to come to these conclusions ourselves. If you want to post something along these lines, you better have a thorough analysis to back it up. No more "it just makes things better when you're selfish, ya know?" These posts are short and offer little value, and will be removed. A list of removed titles from just today: * Do it for yourself. * Raise Yourself. * Rid yourself of the "One Size Fits All" mentality * Travel alone. * Go out alone. * Become the Monster * Stop voicing your opinions. * Ignore the "other guys" shit test Before you post, ask yourself: Is this a discussion of fundamental human behavior that will help others decide how to act? Or is it instructions on how to act? ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/34636