FR / Texting / Confused about girl that was interested in a date 3 upvotes | March 2, 2020 | by SingularityOne198 ------------------------- Looking for feedback/critique on my texting here. It seemed to kill attraction after the in-person approach where I got her number. I did well on the approach in person (as you will be able to see from the initial texts), but I’m confused as to why things played out as they did. We had a date scheduled for today, but, as you will see from the texts, I’m not sure it’s going to happen. I approached her with her friend at a table at a restaurant and it went really well from what I thought. Here is the text thread: Her: hey it’s _name_ (: Me: Hey hey _her name_, it’s _my name_. It was great meeting you! Her: it was nice meeting you too! I was impressed that you had the guts to come talk to me lol Me: I usually spontaneously combust under circumstances like that, so thanks 😉 Her: I would’ve never guessed that aha you’re super charismatic Me: I’m only charismatic on Tuesdays, so beware. However, I’m gonna be playing pool at Melrose Billiards tomorrow (Wednesday) or this coming Monday evening. Wanna join me? Her: I’m down I love pool! I have class on mondays and wednesdays but this coming monday evening I should be free Me: Awesome, this coming Monday it is, at 7pm, at Melrose Billiards! - Know that I’m not going to go easy on you... Her: sounds good 👌🏻 I wouldn’t want you to go easy on me anyways cause I love a good competition Me: You’re on! Loser buys drinks Her: well about that...I would but I’m not exactly of age yet 😅 I’m 19 Me: Oh, that’s fine, water is still a drink 😂 I’m 24 (Then no response... so I left it at that for 3/4 days until one day before the date) . . . (Yesterday 24 hours before the date): Me: Looking forward to beating you at pool tomorrow 😉 ... Then no response ... I’m not thinking I’m gonna show up to the place for the date as she hasn’t responded to my pre-date text. I’m looking for critiques on where I could have gone wrong because honestly, I thought she was 100% down from what I perceived. Also, how should I proceed with her in the future? - delete number and don’t text her again? or - text again in a week for a hail-mary? Mainly looking for where I went wrong, or if I didn’t, some advice. Thanks brothers. ------------------------- Archived from