Your struggle and pain? Women neither understand nor give much of a fuck. 1080 upvotes | October 2, 2015 | by IllimitableMan ------------------------- Got a bunch of requests to make a comment of mine in another thread into a post, so here it is. ------------------------- Some men are prone to thinking "if women could just understand, they'd work with us." No. Just no. Stop. That's wishful thinking. Women will never work with us, because what they want and what we want are similar but different. The way we think, the way we want to do things, THE FACT WOMEN WANT TO CONSTANTLY FIGHT YOU FOR CONTROL WHILST SECRETLY SUBCONSCIOUSLY HOPING THEY DON'T WIN MEANS WE'RE IN A PERPETUAL STATE OF WAR. [] (war = maxim 6) In the "MEN AREN'T TAUGHT TO BE ATTRACTED, WOMEN ARE BORN INTO IT" THREAD [] the OP sounds a little purple pill. Don't get me wrong there's a lot of gold in there, but because he's trying to logic a girl there's a lot of "meet me halfway here" sentiment in his explanation and she doesn't budge a fucking inch. This is testament to the notion women see any attempt at male self-improvement that may possibly undermine their monopoly on social power as nothing but a threat to be thwarted. WOMEN DON'T WANT A WORK IN PROGRESS THEY WANT A WINNER, THE WORK IN PROGRESS IS UGLY, THE RAGE, THE INSECURITY - ALL OF IT - BITCHES AREN'T CUT OUT FOR THAT. TRP is like a machine shop where cars are in pieces being assembled/repainted and whatever, and bitches just be like "I don't want to see that, they're ugly, show me a shiny lambo, that car probably doesn't even start!" Women want the product with the perfect presentation and to be completely ignorant of the underlying layers that go into creating it. TRP is a fucking hospital for fucked up guys. And guys aren't even allowed to be fucked up, are they? Society fucks men up, they try to do something about it by utilising TRP, and apparently that's a bad thing too. Everything they do is wrong. Bitches come here, pass judgement and then act like they know shit. These women are fucking clueless and their snooping enlightens them not one iota. Where we see progress and catharsis, they are just revolted and trying to get in our heads. Not so they can help us, but in some petty female attempt to outsmart our knowledge of their biology/psych (again, IM MAXIM 6.) A futile endeavour, but there you go. They don't even try to understand "the WHY" behind TRP. They are just filled with discomfort and suspicion at the thought of men coming together to discuss women and society in the very way that they do. Women do not like the idea of male autonomy, women always want to be in the picture, having a say and influencing men. Men specialise in influencing the world whilst women specialise in influencing men, that's always the way it's been, whether it's been through feminism or using her looks/submission to charm a man into commitment (that's RPW.) TRP is one of very few places where women have NO POWER WHATSOEVER. And they fucking hate that. No power, lots of "work in progress men" that aren't currently at a "fuckable level," unspoken societal mechanics out in the open being plainly spoken, this shit offends and fucks with them. They can't understand. They can't care. They're not in that fucking world. THEY'RE NOT MEN SO THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND THE STRUGGLE, THE GRIND, THE SWEAT THAT TAKES TO BECOME A MAN WORTH A FUCK. Plus there's the little double standard that's it's fine for her to artificially enhance her SMV, but if you don't "grow up that way," and instead have to consciously try to fix yourself, you're clearly a damaged tryhard rather than a natural and you belong in the beta box society has already assigned you. Women like to stereotype men as bitch boys and fuck boys and they're very black and white about that. They don't want to see any crossover, the mere concept fucks with them epically. Truth is, women would be happier if men got their balls back and started leading again but they've been brainwashed too and just aren't cognisant of it. It's a huge mind fuck that women are constantly try to feminise men and feed them disinformation that fucks up their chances, but will eagerly fuck any guy who ignores all of that and knows what it takes to be an effective, dominant and successful man. Which is all any man here really wants to be. The worst thing you can do is show the enemy your play book and trust them to empathise or get on board. Women are not your friends, but neither are they your competition. They are not your equals, they are your prey. You hunt, and if you know what you're doing, you snag one. You lead the relationship, if you fuck up, there is no relationship. There is no equality and no understanding, there is simply you being a leader picking/attracting/maintaining a relationship with a woman of your choosing. That's it. People like to think they can use TRP to get a girl and then "just be themselves" but the reality is, the "gaming" (manipulating) never stops. And women will never stop manipulating you, testing you to make sure you're strong/better than them. That's just the way it is. You all need to accept this instead of hoping otherwise. If women gave a remote shit about men, life from a man's viewpoint or even helping men, feminism wouldn't be a thing. Open your eyes. We're on our own with this. Woman on TRP will never empathise with us, they are just here to enhance their own manipulation. Women have an edge and they don't want men to take that away from them. Lucky for them, even a woman knowing about TRP doesn't stop TRP working on her. It's all human behaviour. Women like what they like, they are who they are and they're attracted to what they're attracted to. But we don't need them having any meaningful presence here. Bitches don't belong in the locker room and they know it that's why they lurk. Women having any say or presence within TRP will be the death of it, just as it was with the seduction sub, askmen, and and all the other previous male spaces that women took over. All relationships are war, yeah I know that sounds fucked up but just think about it. If it wasn't this thing you had to win and dominate, you wouldn't need TRP because bitches would work with you and not against you. Truth be told, the irony is, bitches only work with you when you're winning - which means dominating life AND them. But they will try to jostle you for power, and if you give in, you sign your own death sentence. Heed me. ------------------------- Archived from