Happy thanksgiving! 266 upvotes | November 27, 2015 | by redpillschool ------------------------- I just wanted to take a quick minute to wish everybody a happy thanksgiving and take a moment to say thanks to the mod team. This place is only what it is because of the hard work of these guys who work behind the scenes. Often when they do their jobs right, it's never noticed by the greater community, but they delete hundreds of comments and deal with a lot of trolls. They do more than they get credit for, and they do so anonymously with absolutely nothing to gain from it. It's a shame that we all operate under pseudonyms, so most of these people not only contribute priceless support to the sub, but huge amounts of insight as well. Special thanks goes out to: /u/redpillwatchtower you're on the ball and you're juggling two subreddits like a god damned pro. Thank you. /u/GaiusScaevolus who rarely posts but gives huge amounts of insight and guidance to me. I really appreciate it. /u/MachiavellianRed you're a workhorse and you never stop. You are undoubtely the most articulate person I know, even if you don't get to show off in mod comments. Thanks. /u/CrazyHorseInvincible I'm incredibly happy to have you on our team. You know how to cut through bullshit and see things in a perspective most of us would never think. Thank you. /u/bsutansalt You've got a knack for getting shadowbanned by reddit admin. So you know you're doing something right. I'm very grateful to have you on the team. If anybody could give lessons on taking initiative, it's you. Thank you. /u/RedSovereign You're a quick draw. I don't know if it's a sixth sense but your ability to spot trolls is second to none. I can't even get into modmail before you've responded. Thanks for your hard work! /u/OldMuckyTerrahawk You've been a foundation in our community since the very beginning. Our sub wouldn't be what it is today without your contributions. /u/softharem - Old softy has been out living his life for the last few months, but don't think I've forgotten you softhammer- You've been a big help to me personally and you know that I'll always have your back. I'm glad your life is going well. Get back to us with some field reports asshole. /u/EpicLevelCheater - You're a damn knowledge fountain, and you know what's what. You have also been a staple of our community and I wouldn't be surprised to hear that a majority of the user base here has benefited from your contributions in one way or another. Thank you. /u/Aerobus You're the latest addition to our lineup. Thanks for stepping up to do the flashback posting. We survive on new volunteers taking up the torch where others left off. /u/RedAsteroid You are one of the top voices in our community and you continue to frame things in ways that make me really think about our topics and theories. For god's sake man, re-accept the moderation invite! Every single person in this lineup was selected because of their contributions to the community and grasp on red pill knowledge. I wish we could give them more, but due to the sensitive nature of this subreddit, we must remain anonymous (as a policy). Although most of their contributions are not under their moderator names, these guys are superstars and we should all be grateful to have them here to help guide us. This community is only what it is because of their selfless additions. Let's take a moment to recognize them for their volunteering. Thanks, and happy thanksgiving everybody. ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/38459