Massive censorship on reddit of discussion relating to migrant gang rapes with clear implications for red pill. 759 upvotes | January 12, 2016 | by Keepsalowprofile ------------------------- As red pillers we are under constant attack for our views by SJW's. I think everyone needs to realise how serious this is! 29 out of 30 posts on some threads are censored and the mods are actively manipulating the discussion. I can't link to it because Reddit bots automatically censor it. So try this out: Go to world news and click on the migrant rape thread and type " un " in front of reddit in the url This shows the comments that were censored - everything highlighted has been deleted by the moderators Maybe 29 out of every 30 posts are censored. Reasonable thought out well written posts that have nothing wrong with them except that they are at odds from the moderators political leanings. Go to TwoXchromosomes and you will see similar censorship on discussion there - in fact they have even locked the post! I hope red pill mods don't censor this as being off topic or otherwise. It is a demonstration of the war we are in with feminists and leftists. ------------------------- Archived from