I've never seen a male fat acceptance movement before. Logic doesn't seem to be enough to convince these fat activists they're obviously wrong. 712 upvotes | February 15, 2017 | by [deleted] ------------------------- Fat acceptance is ridiculous. As a personal trainer I have seen people's entire outlook on life change and they lose weight and transform not only their bodies but their mindsets. Being 'thin' isn't some made up societal expectation, being a healthy, reasonable size is healthy. Being healthy is good for you; you live longer, you are happier and life is better lived. To try to manipulate people into believing fat is ok, just to satisfy your own decision and denial is shameful. I believe anyone who has the ability to should voice their concern over this matter. Obesity is an epidemic and health should be one of the virtues we always strive to achieve; rather than accept the opposite as 'enough To me, the whole concept of "fat acceptance" is completely insane because I find it absolutely fascinating that we've reached a point in time where people's feelings take prescience over their health. We're living in a time where a morbidly obese tub of shit who will likely die in the near future if she doesn't change her lifestyle is perfectly content with herself as long as she has enough people saying "Fuck the haters. You go girl!". I often wonder what it'll take for these detrimental feelings-saving campaigns to cease so we can have a real honest conversation about what it means to be healthy, rather than unhealthy+happy. The first thing I've gathered from this movement is that it involves a serious lack of agency on the part of the people who want to be accepted for being fat. FEELING BEAUTIFUL HAS REPLACED BEING/FEELING HEALTHY I've come to the conclusion that if we all woke up tomorrow and unanimously accepted all these people begging for acceptance for their unhealthy choices, which they are way more often than not in COMPLETE control of changing, that they would not ever make the effort to improve themselves. With that being said, I believe the prime motivator for these people is how the world perceives them, rather than their own self perception or even their own health. Who cares if you take up multiple seats on an airline or eat a large bag of doritos and a super-sized coke for a "light snack"? You're beautiful just the way you are! Don't let anyone tell you differently! #fuckthehaters THE WAY I SEE IT, THEY HAVE 2 CHOICES: * Make an effort to improve themselves - eat better, exercise, lift, and make some real positive changes in their life - all of which will improve their health and life expectancy. * Sit around and blame the world for not accepting them as they are, because god forbid anybody tries to school them on their life choices. I don't see why focusing on laying down the hammer with regards to health and why trying to shift the standard to which people judge themselves while addressing unhealthy lifestyles is such a big issue. Why is there such a focus on accepting fat people rather than motivating them to make lifestyle changes that will not only improve their lives, health wise, but also make them feel a lot better about themselves, and be a lot happier in general. YOU KNOW WHO ACTUALLY NEEDS ACCEPTANCE? * People with serious mental illnesses that they cannot control * Men who need support but won't ask for help because of the stigma of looking "weak" * Anybody actually ASKING for help and actively making an effort towards their goals. * ..but fat people who want to remain fat? gtfo. * Fuck all of this coddling of the oversensitive. LESSONS LEARNED: Fat acceptance is complete bullshit and is extremely detrimental the people involved, their kids, and to society as a whole. Fat acceptance was created to absolve the unhealthy of any personal responsibility for not only their lifestyle but their unwillingness to change. From beauty standards, to self acceptance, to the motivation to work on oneself - everything is relative to these people and dependent on external factors (other people's opinions, how high the bar for beauty is set, etc) WATCH THIS [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeCbl4dIRW0] ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/40928