You are not entitled to shit. She is not entitled to shit. One of these is reinforced by society. 955 upvotes | April 10, 2017 | by trpposter ------------------------- You are not entitled to sex. You are not entitled to handjobs. You are not entitled to anal. You are not entitled to blow jobs. She is not entitled to affection. She is not entitled to attention. She is not entitled to emotional support. Society has no problem drilling the first four points into the male psyche from the age of adolescence (or even younger, given feminism's pernicious advance into education). However, try to apply this to women and you will be labeled a misogynist, a neckbeard and a bitter loser. If you manage to get an argument out of them, it will be in the vein of: > But it's shitty and abusive to withdraw - No it's not. It is your prerogative to stop engaging in WHATEVER activity you no longer wish to continue, for whatever reason. You don't need to justify to _anyone_, including your partner, why you no longer wish to do X. Yes, this goes both ways: women are perfectly entitled to not justify their low libido to their boyfriends (and they usually don't), and men are perfectly entitled to not justify their lack of emotional intimacy with their girlfriends. It is shitty and entitled to DEMAND X (where X is any activity in the list). If you feel you're not getting X, the problem lies with you, and you need to change yourself into a person your partner (or partners) will _want_ to engage in X with. WHAT CAN YOU TAKE AWAY FROM THIS? Crush your inner beta by always keeping in mind: you owe her nothing. Never cave, never apologize and above all, never justify. ------------------------- Archived from