Study: the more women there are in a certain college discipline, the more politically correct it becomes. 1039 upvotes | September 19, 2017 | by ObserverBG ------------------------- A study found that the most politically correct college disciplines are Psychology, Sociology and English. The least politically correct college disciplines are Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Finance. Thus, the more women there are in a certain area, the more politically correct and liberal it becomes. Psychology is 75 percent female, while Engineering is 75 percent male. Another study found that women are more politically correct than men. In other words, there is correlation between the level of female influence in society and the liberalisation of that society. Some people are wondering why are we so different today than the society in the 50s. Or why is western society more culturally different than some non-western societies? The answer is: women. As female influence exploded in the 70s and women entered the labour force and politics en masse, they caused society to become more liberal and more politically correct. Women change culture and the more you increase the influence of women, the more you change the culture of that society in a certain direction. Or vice versa. Men also change culture. The more male influence you have, the more a culture will move to the right. Men cause more conservative and more right wing societies - such as muslim societies or the US from the 50s. This is how the correlation works: the more women there are in an area, or the more female influence you have, the more liberalism and PC you get. Sweden: Highest level of feminisation = highest level of liberalism and PC. USA, 2017: High level of female influence = high level of liberalism and PC. East Asia (Japan, S. Korea, China), Eastern Europe: Medium level of female influence = medium level of liberalism and PC. USA 1950: Low level of female influence = low level of liberalism and PC. Muslim socieites: Lowest level of female influence = lowest level of liberalism and PC. The correlation seems to be very high. So what do you think? ------------------------- Archived from