The Girlfriend Problem 751 upvotes | October 23, 2017 | by GayLubeOil ------------------------- Western women live their lives the same way they workout. They put a lot of care into their appearance and none into the actual workout. If you have any doubts take a look at your next Red Pill mandated gym sesh. The men are straining. The women are putting forth minimal effort. Everything women do follows this pattern. Neat handwriting and unoriginal ideas. Professional attire and mediocre performance. Everything female is fiat, like a Nigerian Dollar or a North Korean city. This post isn't about demeaning women. We have enough of that here already and I certainly don't want to encourage it. Nor do I want offend a group of people who spends their time drinking smoothies and photographing their own butt. No. This post isn't about the inferiority of women. It's about preventing female inferiority from contaminating our male superiority, while still fucking them in the pussy. Because men compete for sex [*iC0UjKDxFViE3XZuk6MMUw.jpeg] , men must make something of themselves to win sex. Women on the other hand don't, which means that they don't have to mature beyond the emotional irresponsible teenager stage. In practical terms, this means that by bringing a woman into your life you're associating with a loser. I know this sounds harsh but if we apply the male standard to females, clearly they're losers. Imagine an emotional gossipy man who cries all the time, frequently misses work and can't do a pull-up. Loser. Now imagine that you spent a large amount of time with this emotional gossipy man who giggles at reality television. Don't you think that eventually his habits would rub off on you? Well that's exactly how women drag fun confident men into betahood. It doesn't matter whether she's your wife, girlfriend or fuckhole. The more time you spend together the more you will influence each other. Furthermore, women can and do get pregnant whenever they feel like it. So even if they’re unsuccessful at turning you into a loser, they can always shit out a copy of you and turn your son into a loser. At that point you won't be able to do anything about it and the state will ensure that you are paying for beta bitch loser academy. As a man you have three options when dealing with women. Option 1, avoid women entirely and become a masterbator, homo or transvestite. Option 2, avoid masculine leadership at which point either you or your children will be dragged into loserhood and/or you have a fat loser terrorizing you whenever you set foot in your own house. Option 3, force your woman to become the best version of herself, by taking the role of her second father. Now obviously, option 3 is a huge hassle and feels like running with a parachute. Teaching your woman to push herself physically and intellectually like a man, is an ongoing challenge to say the least. Regardless of how serious the relationship is, either you impart your values onto your woman or the gay-stream media will. Which one is it going to be? Option 3 is a colossal burden. Nobody holds women to any kind of standard, so if you do, expect childish tantrums. Maybe she'll leave you and be a loser with an accommodating beta. That's fine, there are plenty to choose from. Just as the clothes you wear are a reflection of you, so are the women you associate yourself with. Hold yourself to a high standard. Hold the women you associate with to a high standard, even if it means losing a few from time to time. Follow me on Twitter [] Shoot me a PM if you are interested in fitness nutrition and postural correction coaching ------------------------- Archived from