“All Women Are Whores” 1557 upvotes | October 24, 2017 | by TrenGod37 ------------------------- Read a post early that got me thinking. Guy wrote an angry rant saying how all women are whores. My first thought. If all women are whores for you. That must be a good thing right? So why the anger? ...oh because they are not YOUR whores. If they were there would be no issue. Most of you who have internalized the sidebar understand that it’s just our turn. They can never be our whores. So the only reason that can upset you is because of the ego. But there’s more to this. The problem isn’t them being whores. Because in reality. They are not all whores (at least not as the post read.) They are just AWALT. The problem is YOU. You’re calling her a whore because she left you to go fuck someone else. That’s not the issue though. She did it for a reason and the reasons are usually one or more of the 3. * Your value/status sucks. * Your frame sucks. 3 Your Attitude/life sucks. VALUE If you are a top tier male most women are not going to do anything to fuck up and potentially lose you. When I date women they tip toe when making a questionable decision. They make sure before they do something it’s not going to piss me off. Why? Because most guys fucking suck. Honestly. It’s laughable how little the competition is. They’re all out of shape. They haven’t heard of the word game besides talking about halo and world of war craft. Frame doesn’t even make sense to them. They dress like shit , Orbiting is a hobby, and needy as fuck, my god these dudes are so fucking needy (I hear women constantly complain about it). So as long as you form your life around the principles in the sidebar (that you see fitting for your mission) you’re way ahead of the game. If these women are doing things to piss you off so easily it’s a good indication your value or status is shitty and you have work to do. Because I’m telling you. If you are in decent shape. Have a purpose in life. Maximize your attraction. And know game. MOST women have never experienced a guy like you. They usually don’t want to fuck that up especially if they have been in past relationships that were shit. That doesn’t mean they never will but again if you’re a man of value you will have no issue creating a boundary or stopping that shit dead in its tracks. They are never going to be the ones giving YOU an ultimatum. If your given an ultimatum. She’s subtly telling you. Your value is shit. Take it as a blessing and lesson learned. Say goodbye and get back to the drawing boards. (Aka working on yourself.) FRAME Your frame sucks. You care too much. You’re overly invested. She knows. You know it. We know it. Everyone knows it. If you were to take full responsibility for everything in your life. You’d never have the nerve to call her a whore out of frustration because you realize she’s just a women being a woman and you’re the reason this behavior took place. Now I know someone’s going to say even the best of the best get cheated on sometimes. And yes it does happen but usually they are missing something. Or did something for it to happen. In the rare occasion she cheats on a high value man who has all his shit together. they aren’t wasting a fucking second crying, moaning, or ridiculing the women for it. They are already on to the next one. All women are like that. They all have women instinct. They can and may cheat. We are aware of it but we don’t need to live in paranoia because of it. If you have your shit together like I said above it’s unlikely she’s going to jump on the next better dick and fuck things up with you. Especially if she knows you’ll leave Or you have created firm boundaries. ATTITUDE/LIFE If you’re going around calling women whores. It’s a good indication your attitude sucks. You’re like the girl who whines about her ex to the new dude she’s dating. The guy she’s cheating on you with or “whoring” herself with is usually fun as fuck. Carefree. Living life by his own rules. Showing her a time she’s never had before. I have alpha widowed almost every girl I have been with (I know this sounds concede . But I’d like to give some personal examples). This is because I am a fun mother fucker. I always try to live that way. I don’t like rules. I used to get into a lot of trouble. I was wild. I’ve matured over the years to keep myself out of trouble but I’m still wild at heart. I take the women I meet to shoot guns they will never get to touch again in their lives. I show up randomly at their house at 2 am to fuck their brains out. I call them tell them get ready we’re going to have some fun. I take them to abandon places to explore then fuck them in them. I fuck them in their cars. In parking lots. On roofs. In playgrounds. Hang cuff Them while fucking them. Where ever/however I can that no other guy would ever think of doing. I do shit that makes them nervous as fuck. All the while I stay calm and laugh. Sneak into places you shouldn’t be. Sneak into movies. Sneak into their rents house. Fuck her in the bathroom at the grocery store. The dressing room at the mall. You name it I’ve tried it. Now think about that. If you’re a guy doing all this shit. HOW in the fuck is she ever going to replace your crazy ass. She can try. But like I said if she’s been with some shitty guys she’s going to be blown the fuck away. Not even chad can get her to cheat. And if she does. I mean honestly at this point you won’t care. You’ll have an abundance mentality thats untouchable. The key is to always be having fun with a dgaf attitude towards anything that isn’t helping you get to where you want to be. Get out of your comfort zone. Experience new shit and be happy you’re able too. Make your life as interesting as possible and you won’t have time to waste worrying about people who bring negativity into your life. Life’s too short to call women whores. Life’s too short to even care. You’re Attitude should be. Fun. Free. Fuck it! TL:DR women aren’t whores. Unless you’re the high value fun guy. Otherwise Women are just women. It’s YOU that sucks. Not her. Fix yourself. ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/46735