The Ansari story - Red Pill Edition 960 upvotes | January 16, 2018 | by [deleted] ------------------------- Read the article [], if you want. Here's the Red-Pill-informed translation, based entirely on the stated facts; call me out if I took any liberties at all: Grace was at the 2017 Emmy Awards with a man she's been dating. Suddenly she noticed a much richer, more famous man. She was feeling "really confident", so she "walks up to him" and tries to flirt. He "brushes her off" repeatedly, but she keeps coming back, rather aggressively, until he responds. We won't fault her for that, because she's a woman, and it's only creepy when men plow through repeated rejections. Also, we'll hide her identity, but announce right away the man was Aziz Ansari, because as a man he deserves to be identified, tarred, and feathered. Grace was very happy to score a date with a rich famous man. She bragged to all her friends and obsessed for days over the outfit to best shows off her assets. In her head, all sorts of Disney fantasies started playing out. Yes, she will land the rich and famous man as her very own Prince Charming that she has always DESERVED, and live happily ever after in his TriBeCa castle. On the night of the date, she just went straight to his place because that's a totally reasonable thing to do for a first meeting with an unfamiliar man you _definitely_ don't want to fuck. She started getting disappointed once she realized Ansari wasn't treating her like the Princess she is in her head, but rather as what she is in real life: a faithless slut who ditched her man to aggressively pursue a celebrity. He cut their romantic meal short and she followed him back to his apartment, because that's what young women do with men they _definitely_ don't want to fuck. Back at his place, Ansari makes a move, to the surprise of nobody expect poor virginal Grace, who apparently at 23 is entirely ignorant of the existence of sex. She starts rationalizing furiously: "On one hand, I really want to please him, because that's how I get him to see me again and resume my Disney plotline, but on the other hand, I can't fuck him on our first date, because that never happens in Disney fantasies!" She settles on blowing him as a happy compromise. Unfortunately, he's not so happy with the compromise, and she starts suspecting this is not going well for her. He gets dressed and watches TV with her, until she realizes that this is just his way to calm her down before he sends her on he merry way and never sees her time-wasting, entitled, Disney-fantasizing ass again. All her fluffy dreams come crashing down, and she explodes with rage: > You guys are all the same, you guys are all the fucking same. She bitterly recalls all the guys who failed to treat her as the Disney Princess she DESERVES TO BE, rather than the greedy faithless whore she IS. Why do men refuse to fawn over entitled baby-girls? How UNFAIR! Gone is the fantasy of leeching onto Ansari's fame and fortune as his legitimate spouse. But wait, this is the age of #MeToo, she doesn't have to give up on all this fame and money just yet! She reaches for her browser, to find some vaguely feminist rag sleazy and desperate enough to welcome the pageviews of what amounts to revenge-porn featuring Ansari. Beta guilt should land a few dollars in her pocket, or at least some sympathy for our disgraced Disney Princess. ------------------------- Archived from