My "lesbian" plate 860 upvotes | March 11, 2018 | by [deleted] ------------------------- One of my newer plates is a married woman with two young daughters. Her husband is a typical Billy Beta. Good job at some office or another, high salary, but completely pussified and a victim of the politically correct, gender equality bullshit narrative. The pillow talk I have with this woman is exceptional, and practically a waterfall of RedPill truths. I am sharing one such conversation with you for your amusement and further increase in awareness of how far women will go. So we were just done fucking and she is in my bed texting somebody when she lets out this deep sigh. I ask her what's up and she tells me she's texting her husband to see if he can pick up the kids from school. Apparently he can't though and this has her all annoyed. I ask her if she had other plans and she gives me this horny look, telling me that she wanted to go another round. I shrug, give her a sheepish grin and tell her there's always next time. She gets up and starts to get dressed. I can't resist teasing her a bit and suggest for her to fuck her husband tonight in stead of me. She turns towards me and looks at me with surprise. Not because she's insulted or anything, but because she genuinely thinks I'm crazy. She tells me she hasn't fucked her husband in over a year. Finding this hard to believe, there is still such a thing as duty sex, I ask her how she manages to get away with that. What she told me blew my mind. About a year ago she told her husband that she needed time to go “find herself” Being the BP beta he was, of course he approved of and supported this. So while she was abroad fucking her brains out her husband was “holding the front” back at home. Eventually she got tired of it, missed her kids or whatever, and came back home. By then she realized she really didn't want to fuck her husband anymore so she told everybody she discovered that she was actually a lesbian but that she still loved her husband and wanted to be with him. Billy Beta accepted this, told her she was also his best friend and that he would continue to support her in every way. Apparently he was applauded for this by friends and family. After hearing the story I tell her she sure didn't sound like a lesbian about fifteen minutes ago. She grins and tells me, “well! I'm not REALLY a lesbian!” Then presses her finger against her lips and winks at me. I watch as she finishes getting dressed and leaves. Afterwards I spend at least another half hour in bed, just running through what the fuck she just told me. Took me a bit to process it all. Gentlemen. This is what husbands are becoming under the politically correct, feminist narrative. Literal ATM's. This is also what women are becoming and they are raising the next generation of girls. I'm not sure if I should be scared or excited. ------------------------- Archived from