‘All Men are Trash’ 721 upvotes | March 24, 2018 | by epictetus_irl ------------------------- Imagine posting ‘all women are trash’ to twitter. It would take about 7 seconds for you be banned and the tweet would likely make newspapers. Reverse the genders though and it’s all fine. https://twitter.com/_ellaroberts/status/976760262844919808?s=21 The comments on this are eye opening to anyone who thinks there’s isn’t a need to highlight men’s rights. One of my favorites is when a dude says “this message was written a few years after millions men died in war” The female reply? “War is created by men so tough” Also check out the people who have retweeted this, I see female CEOs on the list. Again imagine a male CEO retweeting the opposite message, he’d be removed from his post by Monday morning. The woman is celebrated. You go girl! We live in a world where a man can be guilty of a hate crime if his dog raises its paw but open attacks and slurs against an entire gender are ok as long it’s targeting men. Note this women lives in the U.K. just like CountDankuka. Where’s the outrage? Where’s the arrest? The court date? So what can you do? Do not run off to twitter to start a name calling campaign. Do report the tweet for hate speech. Do keep your eyes open for this type of speech and attempts to normalise the hatred of all men. Call out double standards. Do check the twitter feeds of women you’re dating, this one is always an eye opener for me. It will reveal more about them than months of dating. Stay vigilant. It’s not good out there for men right now. ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/49336