I never got around to thanking you guys 799 upvotes | March 30, 2018 | by grafae ------------------------- The Red Pill changed my life. It’s funny, I came across the community at a time when I’d already been ‘red pilling’ myself for some time. Frustrated with life, I was in the early stages of weightlifting, reading myself smart, and striving to improve my work situation. And like all of us, I suppose the red pill was always in my system, but had been subverted and suppressed by societal influences. It’s hard to say whether I found the subreddit or I finally grew up and it found me. Either way, I was hooked. Those first few weeks I spent hours every night devouring red pill content – related books, the handbook, classic posts and new posts. It was extremely nourishing – at last after 28 years of frustration and confusion I had been offered a structure for living that never failed to make sense in reality or eventually make me a happier and better person. There were some rocky moments at the beginning as I was coming out of the anger phase – “you’ve changed, what's happened to you”, my girlfriend said. But eventually it balanced out and our relationship is now stronger than ever – I have assumed control like she always wanted me to but couldn’t find a way to ask, and she is happier too. She is radiant in fact. I have transformed my body. I had been a runner since dropping 40 pounds about 8 years ago after allowing myself to become a fat lump of shit, but a disciplined weightlifting and eating program has given me the attractive physique, strength and aura of confidence I thought I would never have. I’ve taken up boxing and gotten back into football (soccer), which I was absolutely retarded to leave behind for so long. Replacing TV and videogames with books has added an indescribable richness to my life. Good books – new and old – are the secret to powering ahead of the herd and helping you build an understanding of the world that is not shaped by corrupt corporate media organizations. I find myself in a work situation – perhaps with some luck – where I am working from home picking up a salary from GloboCorp that has virtually become passive income. I developed my skills and proved myself to the point where I am seen as the only person in the company who can provide that kind of service, and so am treated with respect and left alone. I cut out all the extraneous busywork that was weighing me down and have turned most of my attention to new projects unrelated to GloboCorp. I’ve got my finances in order - $70K in the bank with most of it invested – so if GloboCorp decides to make cuts I’m not worried. I’ve moved out of my Soviet style apartment into a little old home on a nice quiet street, and feel much more ‘grounded’. Perhaps above all else, I have recently felt a wave of blissful calmness come over me. Now that I understand how the whole game works, I almost find myself sitting back and relaxing as the blue pill world continues to be defined by frenzied arguments, misery and boredom. I have become truly grateful for the opportunities I was given, and begun to capitalize on them instead of feeling sorry for myself. I’ve repaired damaged relationships with my family and gotten to a point where I see the world from a position of love, with no hate. I can even empathize with the SJWs and see they are just living in pain and confusion like so many others, looking for answers. I am hopeful and excited for the future. RP skeptics might say maybe I just matured, but I find it very hard to believe I would be where I am now without this knowledge. I guess I'll never know for sure. It saddens me deeply that red pill thinking is demonized, because this will be to the detriment of many men who could have otherwise found happiness. It’s proof enough that society in its current state cannot function without beating down a large subset of what should be strong, healthy, independent men. The Red Pill would surely have been standard discussion among men at one time (without all the initial anger phase stuff), but now it’s happening at the fringes and we are told we should feel bad for engaging in it. If you’re new here, I urge you to ignore them. You don’t have to be a woman hater to be redpilled, quite the opposite. You have to learn to love women, let go of the bitterness and understand them so that you can have healthy relationships with them. The mainstream crap about TRP is where the true bitterness lies, sad little men and deceptive feminists cherry picking anger phase comments in a desperate attempt to keep men they don’t understand miserable. This is a place full of wisdom if you know who to listen to, role models that are hard to come by for men today. Having reached what feels like Red Pill Nirvana, I now aim to become one of those role models. Thanks to everyone who contributes value here, and I wish you all the best of luck. ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/49444