MGTOWS Are Incels In Disguise: Don't Fall For It 0 upvotes | July 11, 2018 | by [deleted] ------------------------- Lets start by remembering that the original MGTOW movement was started by successful and attractive men who decided women were not worth the squeeze anymore. They decided to focus solely on developing themselves, and enjoying women that come to them, rather than going out to chase it. They were _voluntarily celibates_ . There are a select few MGTOWs who still uphold the original ideals, but they are few and far between, drowned out by a sea of victim-minded losers, who could not bang women, even if they tried. The latter kind are _involuntarily celibate._ The majority of modern day MGTOWs. They use the ideals as a crutch for their valueless nature, then claim _they_ were the ones to reject women, even though it was the opposite that lead them to MGTOW in the very first place. both MGTOWs and incels are delusional, but the MGTOW is worse. Incels are on average, 3-5 scale looks guys, between their 13s-30s who suffer from severe confidence issues, and slight body dysmorphia. They are experts on the aesthetics of beauty, but because of low confidence they focus on all their flaws and reinforce the thought that they are ugly, undesirable, and worthless. On the other hand, MGTOWs are experts at feeling good, feeling like they are superior, to the point of delusions of grandeur. They believe women aren't worth fucking, and that they have a choice on the matter, despite being low SMV men. Id say incels are a step above mgtows incels admit there Is a flaw, they jist bitch about it rather than fix it. MGTOW deny that there is any problem at all, and instead push the blame on the female by saying "I'm an awesome valuable man. Women just aren't worth my time," even tho they usually ain't shit. ------------------------- JUST IN CASE YOU STILL DON'T THINK THEY ARE THE SAME... Go to the MGTOW board _right now_ and you will see the top announcement is that "Red Pills don't make you bullet proof" , and if you can stomach the 30 minute self advertisement, he tells us that "women are not worth the risk, and redpills are meant to navigate away from them." Now what the fuck else do we see on ~incels2~ MGTOW... BEING ON THE MGTOW SUB MAKES ME FEEL LIKE I'M LOOKING AT BRAINCELS, THE SUB. A bunch of memes about how everyone is a loser. Memes glorifying violence against women. Pity posts where guys cry about how they aren't valuable then do nothing to improve because of their entitlement. A bunch of "haha look how bad and stupid girls Are" posts. Even a few top rated posts share the common victim mentality. Almost every post on the MGTOW board is talking about how much it's subscribers suck, how the world is unfair because of genetics aesthetic or otherwise, or celebrating justice when a woman gets taken down. Posts about improving and surviving against all odds? 38 upvotes. Posts about guys failing to get girls, then everyone laughs at him cus "haha that idiot tried to get laid, don't you know girls suck and aren't worth your time bro?" 350 upvotes. That, combined with what is on the announcements, is enough evidence that the majority of the MGTOW population are victim minded who opt to quit, then laugh at others who try, yet fail. MODERN MGTOWS ARE INCELS WHO FOOLED THEMSELVES INTO THINKING THEY ARE VOLCELS. (Voluntarily celibate) ([Just look at this "new wave." I received this message today, and it inspired my post, along with the fact that these faggots keep commenting on my videos, and I have to repeatedly clarify that MGTOW is NOT Red Pill!] Just go onto this guys profile. He posts on MGTOW and Braincels, and gets upvotes on both. AND in the end, they're all a bunch of crazy ass niggas who have these crazy delusions and fantasies which is why they will never be red pill, because they choose not to operate in reality, as the truth is too painful for them. They are weak. Do not fall for their propaganda. They are losers who want others to quit the game with them. Unless you wanna fuck body pillows and sex dolls for the rest of your life, just ask turdflingingmonkey... ------------------------- Archived from