The Weakness: Day 2 - Mindfulness 8 upvotes | April 20, 2016 | by Clint_Redwood ------------------------- Alright, I’m going to try and explain this a punctually as possible so we can get to actually learning something now.   If you haven’t seen the first part of this series just go through my post history. YOU DON’T EVEN HAVE TO READ THE POST. It’s not important and it doesn’t have any immediate value. What you want to look at is the comments and the reactions to it.   ------------------------- WTF WAS YESTERDAY'S SHITPOST? It wasn’t an experiment or a test. It was an EXAMPLE. I need to create a post that would universally BE HATED on and DOWNVOTED. Yet NOT DELETED and one that a lot of YOU WOULD STILL READ.   But I can’t exactly make a shitpost that everyone will read and not get deleted. That’s not how Reddit works. Downvoted topics never get seen by the majority of the sub. So how do you create a post that would receive massive downvotes yet a lot of people would see?   Easy, negative publicity. The past week I’ve released 6 posts. My average is about one a week. 6x more than normal. Go check my submission history.   All these posts have been half assed. They were to created to start controversy. I needed negative publicity. All I needed to do was have shitty formatting, no cites, anecdotal evidence and arbitrary statistics. All with the intent to drive you to the first post of this series without it getting deleted plus having all of you hate on it. -------------------------   WHY THE HELL DID YOU NEED A POST TO GET MASSIVE DOWNVOTES AND HATED ON? Because I can't make a post about a weakness in all of us if I can’t get all of you to show it. This weakness isn’t overt. Congrats to /u/TheRedPhillip for being the first to figure it out. Proof [] > is exactly like resisting the red pill in the first place. This little sentence will be extremely relevant in a bit.       EC TAG Now. It’s also apparent that some of you think i’m doing this because, idk i want internet fame on this subbreddit? Or somehow my EC tag has gone to my head? Tell you what. By the end of this series if the community, mods or endorsed feel i don’t deserve it, gladly remove it. I’m not here to win fictitious internet points, I’m here to learn and grow. I don’t care about being EC.   But i want something in return from all of you now. I’ve been agitating this sub for the past week and that's over and done with now. All i ask is you resist any kneejerk reactions while reading this post.       In this post there is going to TONS of cites! there will be NO arbitrary statistics! It's gonna be well formatted and your are going to LOVE it! It's gonna be Great!   Now that that’s out of the way, let finally teach you a technique that will let you read 69 books a day at 110% retention while making 8 girls squirt simultaneously doing the helicopter dick in your Lamborghini garage that's the size of your massive slong.   -------------------------   INTRO Yesterday I ask you in the first post of this 4 part series to jump in a shower and turn it to ice cold. Or you could choose not to do that.   What I asked you to do yesterday is called a CONTRAST SHOWER, we’ll discuss why they are awesome for you in a minute. But they aren’t the point of this series.   Today this post will be discussing your ability to pay attention to your reality. To be mindful of the shit in your life and a technique to force personal growth at a much faster rate. This post actually has a ton of resources and cites unlike the last few of my posts. We are going to start putting this puzzle together.   Lets get started.   -------------------------   A SUB WIDE EXAMPLE: ALL THE POSSIBILITIES & OPPORTUNITIES YOU MISSED YESTERDAY   What I tried to get you to do yesterday was a technique called CONTRAST SHOWERS. Most of us here didn’t learn it because you didn’t go try it. You weren’t curious enough to figure out what the post was about. You saw a shitpost with no SURFACE VALUE and you kneejerk reacted to it.   Contrast showers are widely used and recommended by some very successful individuals. It has a myriad of health benefits and applicable influences on your day to day life. Which is fine and exactly what I expect would happen and needed to happen. Again, this is a post covering the entire sub of TRP. Not any one individual. Some of you might already know the benefits of cold showers. Some don’t. That’s not the point though.   Here is a TED talk over why cold showers are great for you []   Here is a guy named Wim Hof [] who has used Cold Water techniques to revolutionize our entire scientific understanding of our body and our conscious ability to control it. TL;DR He can control his endocrine system, immune system and nervous system along with being able to shut down acid sensing pain receptors and withstand extreme climates and external stresses. He’s basically learned how to become superhuman and can teach any of you it.   Here [] is an explanation on how HE IS ABLE TO SHUT DOWN HIS PAIN RECEPTORS SO HIS BODY no longer reacts to cold. Here [] is him talking about how HE TRAINED 12 PEOPLE TO CONTROL THEIR IMMUNE SYSTEM IN JUST 4 DAYS under labratory conditions. Here [] is the scientific publication produced from those 12 individuals and the case study.     here [] is a study on how he can raise his adrenaline levels HIGHER THAN A BUNGEE JUMPER, by just sitting still.     here [] is a case study on how this method can control the release of IL-10 cytokines and their possible health benefits of alleviated autoimmune disease. Here [] is a publication on Acid Sensing Ion Channels. Here [] is a video on how this could possible help age related diseases. Here [] is a study on how susceptible humans are to endotoxins.   With this method, Wim Hof has set 26 Guinness World Records. * He ran an entire marathon in a desert with no water by using this method. * He climbed MOUNT EVEREST to 22,000 feet in only shorts and shoes using this method. * He climbed Kilimanjaro in just 2 days, also with just shorts and shoes on. All because he learned this stuff from cold water training and being mindful of it.   -------------------------   SURFACE LEVEL VALUE VS DEEP LEVEL VALUE The first post of this series was explicitly vague and void of any FACE VALUE. There was value there. It just wasn’t FACE VALUE.   It was below the surface and hard to see. I made it intentionally hard to see. It was there, I told you how to do it, I just didn’t tell you why to do it. I left it up to you if you wanted to figure it out or were curious enough to try it and experiment. Did you stop and think about what I was really asking from you? I wasn’t asking you to risk your life. I wasn’t asking you to give me money. I wasn’t asking you to inject steroids I wasn’t asking you to stretch your dick out I wasn’t asking you to make a girls piss on your sheets like R Kelly I JUST ASKED YOU TOO TAKE 10 MINUTES OUT OF YOUR DAY TO TRY SOMETHING NEW. _Actually I didn't even ask for 10. I hope most of you shower every day_ A lot of you flipped absolute shit. Kinda funny when you put it in that context.   The only part of that post with possible value was here; > This is a technique I learned that I’ve found to be extremely > beneficial but I’m not going to tell you why it’s beneficial   The sub text there was, _”this has value, but you need to find it”_.   DISCLAIMER ------------------------- Alright i know a bunch of you are going to run to the comments right now and go, _"It's not my job to decipher your bullshit shitpost!"_. You are right. But again, i needed a sub wide example that the vast majority would hate on. BUT I STILL SEE THIS ALMOST EVERY DAY. SOMEONE COMES IN HERE AND POSTS SOMETHING RESOURCEFUL YET THERE IS ALWAYS A FRACTION OF GUYS THAT SEE NO IMMEDIATE VALUE. _Again, the point of this post isn't to tell you to go do shit you don't want to do. It's to show you all the opportunities you miss._ I realized that we all do this though. It's an innate human characteristic. Some of us do it a lot, some do it a little. But we are all capable of it. This series is to teach EVERYONE about it so you are ALL OF YOU ARE MINDFUL OF IT. -------------------------     You see the benefit of the cold showers now because I lined it out up above with a ton of citations and sources. Lots of guys here promote cold water showers. It's nothing new here.   I needed to create an example for all of you to be able to relate too and hate on. Now that we all have something we can universally relate to, I can finally line the fuck out what it is I’m trying to teach you.   -------------------------   CURIOSITY KILLED THE CAT Anyone could have gotten curious and learned any of this stuff about cold showers.   Any one of you.   A select few took faith and just tried it. But again, the point of that post wasn’t a test or a challenge. I made that post because I needed an example. An example of what you miss when you only look for SURFACE VALUE in stuff.   Every one of you that choose to disregard the post learned absolutely nothing yesterday. For the select few that tried it, you probably didn’t learn about Wim Hof or how to control your nervous system in a day. But you did get a lot farther than most.   Any of you could have started searching. A few did just in blind faith_(Or they know a bit about cold showers, IDK)_. With just a little bit of curiosity It wouldn’t have been hard for you to just google _”Cold Showers”_ or _”Hot to Cold Showers"_ and with enough research you probably would have found a fuck ton of useful stuff that might relate to you.   But some of you didn’t do any of that. You saw no immediate value and dismissed.   I don't know why some of you dismissed it. Only you do. The point of this post isn't to argue your reasoning behind dismissal. It's to show you there can be value BELOW THE SURFACE.   Do you have a plan for when you don’t see surface level value in something? How can you find value in something that looks like a pointless shitpost? I didn’t tell you any of the benefits of cold showers yesterday, but they were still there. They still exist, you just didn’t care to look.   Do you remember the day you found TRP? Why did you find TRP? How did you find something you were blind too at one point? I'm guessing no one told you about TRP. > is exactly like resisting the red pill in the first place. - > /u/TheRedPhillip   In a bit I’m going to teach you a method that I use personally that has helped me avoid missing shit that you won’t find at first glance. This method is actually exactly how I found TRP and this weakness. It’s how I’ve found all the shit I write about. But more about that later.   -------------------------   ANOTHER THING YOU MISSED I also showed you yesterday one of the first building blocks you can use to become more charismatic.   Now this is a very deep section and I don't blame any of you for missing it. Unless you've read some books on it, none of you probably saw a correlation. But that's not the point. The point is, that value is there. It exists. The opportunity to learn it exists. And I want to teach you how to find it.   In _”The Charisma Myth”_ the author talks about a person's charisma is based on power, PRESENCE and warmth. For those few that did try out the contrast shower, when you turned the water to ice cold do you remember how you could no longer focus on the music, let alone sing? That’s because the ice literally knocked you out of your head.   You know what PRESENCE is? Not being in your head.   I just induced presence into you with ice cold, mind crushing water. If you aren’t charismatic, ice cold showers can help you understand how to become more present and get out of your head.   You know how you can induce presence other ways to better understand and learn it? MDMA, adderall, meditation, practicing mindfulness and a bunch of other stuff. But none of that is the point of this post.   You know what that stuff helps you do?   EMOTIONAL STATE MANIPULATION. Do you know you can manipulate your emotional state? Become more charismatic, more stoic, more dominant? There are lots of ways. Some are drugs. Some are teachings. Some are techniques.   Wim Hof does it just with a breathing technique, but there are a lot of others ways. VISUALIZATION is another. We'll talk about that tomorrow.   This post isn't about any of that though. If you wish to learn more about that stuff I suggest you jump on google. Or ask in the comments. This post isn't about emotional state manipulation or contrast showers or even Wim Hof. In this post I've actually either permalinked or put any word into bold that you can quickly go google and learn about. Just scroll through the post and start googling.     A QUICK RECAP A few of you tried it out and might have learned a thing or two. But the majority of you learned jack shit yesterday. There was a ton of stuff all of you could have discovered, but you didn’t see it. I purposefully hide it below the surface so you wouldn’t see it unless you went and searched for it.   And once again, it was a shitpost. That's not the point. The point is WE ALL DO THIS.   You missed out on the possibility to learn how to control your endocrine system, nervous system, to practice being more mindful for introspection. You didn't learn about IL-10 Cytokines or shutting down acid sensing pain receptors to turn you into a super human. You missed how something could help you become more present and charismatic. You didn’t experience the first steps to understanding your body and how to manipulate state control. You missed the chance at learning how to turn yourself into a super human and walk up Mount Everest in just shorts and shoe! _Yes, Wim Hof teaches others how to climb mountains without clothes_ And it’s not really your fault. Like I said in the first post, we all do this. Every day.     I do it, mods do it, newbies do it, seniors do it. Don’t get mad for being human.     But, have you ever thought about not doing doing kneejerk reactions? How to control your emotions and remain stoic so you can learn new things? Do you even know where to start if you want to stop missing opportunities you can’t even see?   Sound like bullshit right? Start seeing shit you can’t see?   Stay with me.   -------------------------   HOW TO PAY ATTENTION TO STUFF YOU AREN’T SEEING   _Why are you reading this?_ _Why are you sitting the way you are sitting?_ _Are you sitting up right or could you improve your posture right now?_   _Why do you go to the gym?_ _Is it because someone told you to?_ _Did you go because you know the benefits of being fit?_   _Why do you come to TRP?_   _Why did you choose option 1 yesterday?_ _Were you curious?_ _Were you bored?_ _Did you hear about something similar and decide now is the time to test it?_   _Or did you choose option 2?_ _Why?_ _Where you tired? Did you not have time? Did you already take a shower today?_ _Did you not see a reason to do it? Did you not do it because I omitted the benefits? Do you only do stuff because you have a reason or see benefits in it?_   _When was the last time you did something just to do it? With no real goal in mind?_     MINDFULNESS I told you to write down your observations. This was to show you what MINDFULNESS is. For everyone that didn’t take option 1, you don’t know what it’s like to be shocked out of mindfulness and into presence.   Have you heard of mindfulness? You probably have if you've been reading here longer than a month.   It's to be aware of the things around you. To be aware of your body. To be aware of your level of presence. Fighter pilots, police, military units call it situational awareness. But situational awareness is an EXTERNAL view port. It's to be mindful over shit going on around you so you don't die. Mindfulness is BOTH EXTERNAL awareness AND INTERNAL awareness. It's how you stop being a cog and start being an Autonomous Man [].   IT’S HOW YOU FOUND TRP IN THE FIRST PLACE!   Mindfulness and getting good at it literally is the first building block to becoming your own man. It's how you become Red Pill!   Have trouble focusing on stuff? Mindfulness will help that. Constantly checking instagram, facebook, text messages, tinder? Mindfulness can help you stop that. Have shit you need to improve in your life but you keep slacking or don't really remember to do it? Mindfulness.   But let me ask you again. Do you think you are missing some stuff? You think you aren't noticing some things you could be improving in your life? Have you ever considered all the stuff you are blind too?   I can tell you, you are missing stuff. We all miss it. You didn’t see any of those benefits in front of you yesterday because you didn’t go look. They were all there. You could have jumping into the ice cold shower. You could have gotten curious about it. You could have started googling. Nothing was stopping you. Only you stopped you.   Sounds like an idiotic thing to say doesn't? Of course you are going to be blind to shit you can't see.   But what If you can be taught to see shit you didn't see before?     _”The Charisma Myth”_ calls this presence. _”The Gorilla Mindset”_ calls it mindfulness. Fighter pilots use the external version. Monks call it meditation. I suggest YOU READ AND STUDY ALL OF IT.   I personally call it ACCOUNTABILITY.   Accountability is taking notice of your reality. The things around you. Your health. Your body's level of comfort. Your limbs. Your friends you hang out with. Your city you live in. Your goals for next year. For 5 Years. For retirement. it to always be planning to the end. It’s taking accountability of your reality. To find and identify your weaknesses, your strengths. Then once you find them, you wield them, you mold them together and build yourself into a stronger version.   Being mindful is to aware. It's to be unplugged.   -------------------------   LOOK AT YOUR PAST TO LEARN THE FUTURE   It's a tried and true statement that hopefully you've all heard. _"If you want to prevent fucking up in the future, learn about the past"_.   Unforunately most people only think this applies to history books, grand schemes and civilizations. Which is all EXTERNAL awareness.   Lets look at YOUR past and find a point in it when you where blind;   _Do you have shitty friends?_ _Did you use to have shitty friends?_ _Was there a time you didn't realize they were shitty friends? You thought they were pretty good friends?_ Someone probably taught you here that you need to get rid of shitty friends. But you didn’t know that before they pointed it out to you.   There was probably a time when you thought the BP was the right answer. There was a time In your life that you didn't even know TRP existed. You were blind to it.   But how did you find something you were blind too? I’m guessing the vast majority of us didn’t find TRP from referral from a friend. Again, IDK. I'm writing to the masses. Every one of your stories is different. This is such a vague and board topic.   The answer though is, you got CURIOUS!   You took ACCOUNTABILITY for the shit in your life and start looking. You start being mindful and start asking _"why?"_. You start getting CURIOUS about your life and the things around you. You said; _"Why the fuck am I unhappy?"_ _"Why the fuck can't i bang girls?"_ _"How the fuck do I fix this?"_   Want to improve your life in every way you can? Well you first need to be mindful of your life and what’s in it.   So now I'll show you how to practice mindfulness.   -------------------------   A DAY OF WHYS?   Here is a simple trick I call _”A Day of Whys?”_ If you choose option 1 yesterday then this is exactly what I had you do. For the select few that did take the cold shower, you’ve already practiced this at least once.   Go through your entire day and be mindful of everything you do.   _”Why do i hit the snooze button 5 times in the morning? How much wasted time is that? Jesus, how much time is that in a year?”_ ... _”Why am I tired? Is there stuff to fix being tired?”_ …. _”Why do I have bad posture? How do I fix it? I need to hold my shoulders back more, who has good posture? I should study them”_ ... _”Why do I brush my teeth after the shower? Can I speed up my morning routine?”_ ... _"Why do I last too long in bed with a chick? Is their stuff to help with that?"_ ... _”Why do I take this route to work? Is there a faster way?”_ ... _”Why am I depressed? Is there a way to fix depression? Biochemically, what is depression?”_ ... _”Why can’t i focus? I wonder if there is stuff to help me focus?”_ ... _”Why do I hang out with these guys? Could i find better friends? What makes a friend better?"_ ... _”Why am I doing this thing, right now, where I am?”_ ... _”Why am I browsing reddit right now? Is it helping me fulfill my goals? I bet mindfulness helps you not get distract from your goals. I bet bitches love guys with goals.”_ ... _”Why do I have this job?”_, _”are there better jobs?”_, _”Does this job fit into my goals?’_, ... _"Why am I buying this car?"_, _"Are there better cars?"_, _"How can I save my money in the long run?"_, … _”How do I stop missing shit I can’t see?”_ ....   Take a day to do this or do it during a specific routine. Like when you go to the gym. Pay attention to how fast you lift the weights. Is it better to lift fast or slow? Does holding it like this risk injury? Are there better ways to hold the weights? Am i risking injury with the form I’m using? Are their better forms? Why are they better?   Be mindful of everything you do. Ask yourself why you do it. Every single time you ask why, you will find yourself running down a RABBIT HOLE. You will find shit you don’t really need to do or you can change it, speed it up or dedicate more time to it if you think it’s important.   YOU'LL EVENTUALLY START NOTICING SHIT YOU MISSED.   Eventually you will get to a question you can’t answer, then you get online. I guarantee you someone has already asked the question or answered it. But when other people come into the picture, this is when most of us fail horribly. This is the weakness I’ve been seeing over the months. This is exactly what happened yesterday with my first post.   Like everything here at TRP though, it takes dedication and practice. At first you might just be noticing simple shit, stuff that doesn't really seem that important. But like everything you do consistently, you will get better at it. You will start asking deeper questions to yourself. You'll start realizing shit that most people don't even see for an entire lifetime_(cough TRP)_.   The hardest part of writing these series is the fact that I have to address every single guy here and I can’t predict what you’ll find. It’s a mystery until you look. I had to create the first post to be completely vague and abstract so I could use it as an example FOR EVERYONE HERE to relate too.   Most people don't see life through a RP lens. You've already become more mindful than the vast majority of the masses just by finding TRP. All of you have already practiced mindfulness to a degree. All i’m going to do in this series is show you how to do it faster and better so you can learn and progress your personal growth at a greater rate.     DISCLAIMER ------------------------- I’m going to use my endorsement as an example in this section. Personally I don’t care about the tag. If by the end of this series the sub feels I don’t deserve it. That’s fine. I’m not here for internet points. I write these articles to learn and hopefully help some of you.   I’ll also be giving you examples of diving into a RABBIT HOLE and where it can lead you. This isn’t intended to be humble bragging. I just can’t use any other examples because this is all internal monologue stuff. I can’t listen to other people's thoughts and use them as examples unfortunately.   This next section might seem like nothing of substance but like I've been saying this whole series. You have to get to the end till it comes full circle. This is inductive logic thinking instead of deductive for those of you familiar with that.   With that said, I now have to talk about how I went from hardcore beta in a dead bedroom with pretty severe depression to Endorsed in 11 months because this is the RABBIT HOLE that led me to writing this series. This is how i do _A Day of Why's_. -------------------------   FINDING RABBIT HOLES - THE SHIT YOU CAN'T SEE   Do you know what a rabbit hole is? It's just a metaphor for THE UNKNOWN, THE VAGUE, THE ABSTRACT, THE OBSCURE.   Really I have no fucking clue how got endorsed in under a year but it's a question I've been asking myself for a while. I really don't have a clear answer to be honest. Being endorsed doesn't really mean anything, it's just arbitrary titles on a forum of guys I've never met. Every one of us is here to learn and grow. I don't get anything from being endorsed. I don't make money from it. It adds no real value to me. I guess some guys here thought I sounded like I know what I'm talking about. I really don't know but here is my best guess so far as to why i went from depressed beta to endorsed in such a short time;   I believe it’s just MINDSET and BEING MINDFUL really. Nothing special. Anyone can learn this.   I asked myself _”Why?”_ and i ask it A LOT. Not only do I ask myself lot, I also ask EVERYONE ELSE _”Why?”_ and I ask them a lot too. _In a sense, all of my posts are just me presenting my findings and then asking all of you to rip them apart. I learn way more from critique than by not sharing this stuff._   Here is a short explanation on how I jumped down this rabbit hole. This Sunday, I took another stab at writing about this topic after failing a few times. That writing turned into _"The Weakness"_ part one. Then I walked out of my house, took a hit of my J, walked to the gas station to buy a corndog & gatorade. The whole walk I contemplating how to write _”The Test: Day Two”_. Through that line of thinking I said to myself, _”Alright, there are guys on TRP that have issues with self doubt, self hate. This stuff will directly fuck up mindfulness and practicing it. How can I address this?”_     I call these lines of thought RABBIT HOLES. the _"Day Of Why's"_ is basically just you finding a bunch of rabbit holes and jumping down them till you find something you can fix, improve or get rid of in your life. It just introspective inductive logic basically.   ------------------------- WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INDUCTIVE LOGIC AND DEDUCTIVE LOGIC? > The main difference between INDUCTIVE and deductive approaches to > RESEARCH is that whilst a deductive approach is aimed and testing > theory, an INDUCTIVE approach is concerned with the generation of > NEW THEORY EMERGING FROM THE DATA. Tl;DR inductive is exploring. It’s Curiosity. It’s walking through the dark till you find something cool. It's following rabbit holes. It's looking for DEEP VALUE instead of SURFACE VALUE. It's to be open and explore rather than to wait and react. Again, google this stuff, learn it. -------------------------     All i’m doing it trying to find new theories and findings from my current data set. And by data set I just mean my past memories, experience and knowledge. Everyone reading here will have a different data set. By using introspection and mindfulness I just find a rabbit hole and start digging inside my head. I trust that I might not see a surface level value in something. But somewhere i can find something that is valuable.   The first post of this series was an attempt at showing you a rabbit hole you missed. It might be a bad example but it’s the best I could come up with after already failing 3 times.   By diving into these rabbit holes and trusting you will find something of value eventually, it will allow you to rapidly refine and improve shit in your life. Or get rid of it. It will help you put life into perspective. It will speed up your entire personal growth the more you do it. And its compounding. THE MORE YOU DO IT THE BETTER YOU GET AT IT and THE FAST YOU CAN DO IT.   The next question in this rabbit hole as i walked out of the gas station and back to my house was;   _”Why do I never self hate or self doubt?”_   ------------------------- I've never really discuss this because it's never been relevant but I am fearless to a fault. I use to be an adrenaline junky. Most shit doesn't phase me anymore. I never self hate or self doubt and it's literally almost gotten me killed back in my younger days. Luckily I was mindful, which is basically a neutral self doubt if you want to look at it like that. -------------------------   This is however where I finally found the weakness. By doing a ton more _”why?”_ questions I found myself at this rabbit hole;   _”Why do toddlers and kids learn so fast?”_ _”Why don’t adults learn stuff as fast?”_ _”Why did I go from beta to Endorsed in 11 months?”_ _”Why didn’t other guys do it this fast?”_ _”What is different between me and most guys at TRP?”_ _”I wonder if I can help some guys speed up their progress”_ _”I did it, why isn't everyone endorsed within a year?”_ _”I might be able to teach them”_ _”I need to figure out how to teach this...”_ _”What is different between me and a toddler?”_   ------------------------- All I'm really doing here is drawing correlations in my head from past knowledge. It might sound random but it's just internal monologue based on past knowledge and experience which is just data points. Inductive logic and correlations is all it is. Again, this is my personal monolog. You will have your own set of data points, aka your life, and come to completely different conclusions. _I know some of you might read, *"why isn't everyone endorsed within a year?"_ and you are going to have an answer for that. You might also say kids brains are neurologically different. Yes, i know. That's not what this post is about. I'm just showing my my logical praxis that is about to bring us us to the point of this entire series. In a minute. -------------------------   Well a kid doesn’t dismiss anyone or anything. they are curious about anything and everything. Most adults dismiss hundreds of things everyday, they are busy with stuff, don't have time or they don't see a reason.   _"I don’t dismiss most people though..."_   A kid asks how or why something works, then they go out and do it. They don't hesitate, they don't think about consequences. Their kids, they are reckless to a fault. I'm reckless to a fault, I do the exact same thing.   ------------------------- _Being mindful fixed my recklessness, fyi. We’ll talk about how to avoid bad inductive logic or being reckless in the next part of the series._ -------------------------   If a kid want to learn how to play with a phone he goes; _”How do I use your phone?”_. Dad, _”You hit this button”_. _”How do I play game?”_. _”Like this”_.   Stop and think about it for a second. A kid is curious about everything. They want to explore everything. They don’t have any experience, so they have no previous memories to stop themselves. But eventually they grow up. They get comfortable with what they know. They stop trying new things because they read this thing, or did this thing, or already tried this similar thing. They already have all this other stuff in their life. So they dismiss. They get comfortable with their life. They become Cogs. They go on about there lives in a blind bliss.     They stop asking Why.   And again, I can’t say it enough. This is a human trait. We all do it. Just because you read TRP doesn’t mean you are exempt from this. We all naturally gravitate towards the known. Towards the comfortable.     THE WEAKNESS Dismissal is the weakness. Growing comfortable is the weakness. Sticking with what you know is the weakness. Not asking _”why?”_ Not being mindful. Not being curious.   The weakness is a multitude of things. It's abstract and vague and hiding. It only comes out for a brief second and if you aren't aware of it, you'll miss it every time. It's not overt like ego or narcissism. It's internal. You are the only one that can find it because it's internal awareness. Not external. No one can see this but yourself. You and only you can address it and control it.           SO, WHY DO YOU DO WHAT YOU DO?       -------------------------   CLOSING I know this post was really fucking long winded but I’m trying to build a ton of examples of how dismissing can lead you to miss a vast amount of knowledge or wealth. Again, i have keep in mind that I’m writing to every single guy in this sub and in order for every guy to relate to this, I have to give a ton of examples that will hopefully hit everyone. Yes I know everyone here can come up with a 1000 reasons why you dismiss stuff every day, _"I'm busy"_, _"I don't have time"_, _"I can't go through your shitpost and try to find value"_. I know, there is an infinite amount of answers as to why we dismiss stuff every day. All of us have different drives, motives, goals, responsibilities and reasons why we do what we do. The point of this post wasn't to tell you not to dismiss EVERYTHING. You should value your time and use it effectively. I just want to show you that there is an infinite amount of possibilities at every moment in your life.   Tomorrow we are going to practice a bit of visualization and it will paint all of this into a huge picture. We will talk about how to avoid bad inductive logic, aka not wasting your time and being selective of what you do or don't dismiss. We'll talk about some of the pitfalls and weaknesses of mindfulness. I'll be using a few more examples of my own internal monologue, because I can't read minds and it's the only example I've got. Like this entire series, YOU HAVE TO GET TO THE END BEFORE IT COMES FULL CIRCLE. This is inductive logic, not deductive. We are starting from the beginning and finding the end. Which is the exact opposite of every TRP post ever where we post the results, findings, benefits, goals first. Then lay out the why's, how's and do's & don'ts. Then we summarize it into lessons learned. I'll also be showing you correlations I've drawn between EVERY GUY HERE AT TRP and the Top 100 Most Influential People In History [].       SOURCES AND CITATIONS PRACTICING & LEARNING MINDFULNESS TIPS AND TECHNIQUES If you would like to learn more about mindfulness and how you can practice it I suggest you pick up the AUDIBLE version of Gorilla Mindset []. Don't get the book version. I have both and the Author is actually the guy that does the voice over and he adds a ton of stuff in the audio version that isn't in the book. This book will have a ton of examples and show you all the possiblities of becoming more mindful and what it can improve in your life. This shit really does take an entire book to explain it all.   If you would like to learn more about how to become more present for becoming more charismatic then check out _"The Charisma Myth"_ [] By Olivia Fox Cabane. She despells and dymistifies charisma in a very pragmatic way. Her audible version and book version are almost 99% identical also if you plan to read it with that technique.     COLD SHOWERS AND MINDFULNESS Go back up to the top of this post and watch every video of Wim Hof. Start with the Vice documentary []. ALL THE VIDEOS AT THE TOP OF THIS POST ARE TIMESTAMPED so you get right to the info and cut the chit chat bullshit. The videos below are just the entire segment. 2 hour pod cast with Joe Rogan interviewing Wim Hof [] Here is an hour long interview with Dr. Rhonda Patrick [] who has a bachelors in Biochemistry. The video gets into the actually science of his techniques and all the case studies that have been published on his methods. This video has a ton of scientific studies overlayed in it if you are into reading PubMed Stuff. Here is a video of Dr. Rhonda Patrick interviewing Dr. Pierre Capel [], Dr. Capel is a professor emeritus in experimental immunology at the Utrecht University in the Netherlands. They talk about the immune system influences and possible outcomes for Wim Hof's teachings.   You can also check out Wim Hof's 10 week online course here [] Or his Netherlands based website [] which if you have chrome it will just auto translate. It has a bit more info on it. Scientific studies etc. Here is Chapter 22 of Biology Now [] which is a university text book that will be released in the US this year discussing the scientific advancements of Wim Hof.     ------------------------- Archived from