Who killed Marriage 1.0? (Trigger warning: dry theory) 269 upvotes | June 12, 2016 | by Whisper ------------------------- WARNING: THIS POST IS PURE THEORY AND CONTAINS NO ACTIONABLE ADVICE OTHER THAN "DON'T GET MARRIED, DUMBASS". READ ONLY IF YOU ARE CURIOUS. So, you already know you need to avoid getting married in any modern western society, no matter how good the woman is. And you know why. If you don't, you have some reading to do. But, having established all that, and knowing what to do, and why, some questions still remain. Most importantly, HOW DID WE GET THIS WAY? Who broke marriage? It wasn't feminists. It wasn't feminism. In fact, _far from being the cause of the destruction of marriage-based society, feminism may very well be an effect of that collapse_. After all, you don't think that after hundreds upon thousands of generations of women being women, we suddenly got blue-haired hippos with cat glasses _spontaneously and for no reason at all_, do you? Suddenly decided to start hating men? No. The fundamental change that broke marriage is something else. And when there is a sudden, sweeping, permanent, and global change in human society, there's only possible culprit... because only one human process runs in one direction only, never fails or falters, and spreads everywhere given time. Some of you are already nodding your heads. It's TECHNOLOGY. SCIENCE. Good old clever-monkey know-how. Why? There are several pieces. * WESTERN LIFELONG BILATERALLY MONOGAMOUS MARRIAGE 1.0 (which is what we are focusing on here) IS SEXUAL COMMUNISM. Both parties sacrifice their optimal strategy in return for a safety net, and a stable society. * _Men must sacrifice their urge to mate with every available female_ who is a 5.1 or greater, but they are guaranteed to be allowed to mate with one woman who isn't much lower than them on the desirability scale. * _Women must sacrifice the chance to fuck Chad, be supported by Brad_, and keep Thad in the dark about the whole business, but they get lifelong commitment, guaranteed. * Unlike economic communism, _sexual communism is not inherently bad and unworkable_. This is because the enterprise and initiative that economic communism sacrifices is a public good that flows to everyone, but the sexual success that sexual communism sacrifices is a private good which only benefits Chad, and Alice (AFBB). * However, like economic communism, _sexual communism can only survive when it's the only game in town_. Communism only works when everyone is a good communist. * In any economic communist system, the majority of those who produce more value than they receive in an equal share will opt out if given the chance, and keep that value for themselves. This slowly destroys the system unless the top is unable to escape. * In a sexually communist system, a similar dynamic will happen with Chad and Alice. _The highly competitive players will always tend to move to the game that most rewards winning._ Winners don't like low ceilings, and communism imposes a low ceiling in order to create a high floor. * The Tradcons were right about "destroying marriage". MARRIAGE CAN ONLY SURVIVE WHEN IT IS ENFORCED AS AN INSTITUTION BY SOCIETY, NEVER AS ONE OF A LIST OF OPTIONS. Gay marriage destroys marriage. Promiscuity destroys marriage. Single motherhood destroys marriage. Fornication destroys marriage. Because _everything that isn't marriage destroys marriage._ But society _did_ enforce marriage as an institution. It was held up as the sole outlet for sexual release. Anything else was frowned upon and ostracized when it wasn't outright punishable by law. Even if you did it, you had to hide it. But the world has moved on... we are all villains now [http://www.smbc-comics.com/comics/1465397977-20160608.png]. Why? The second piece: * ECONOMICS CONTROLS THE AGE AT WHICH PEOPLE BECOME INDEPENDENT ADULTS. * There are several "adulthoods" that happen at different ages: The age of _sexual maturity_, the age of _legal sexual consent_, the age of _legal adulthood_, the age of _economic independence_, and the age of _economic surplus_... by which I mean the age at which one can afford a home and children. * The first age, _sexual maturity_, is firmly fixed by biological processes we have no control over. It is 12-13. It is when sexual desire emerges in a clear, unambiguous, and irrepressible way. * The second two ages, _legal consent_, and _legal majority_ are consciously set by people, either with laws or social mores where laws are absent. They are often set as a response to the other ages, consciously or unconsciously. They are less important for this discussion. * The age of _economic independence_ is the age at which the average working adult, with typical skills, and no rare talents, can support themselves financially. * The age of _economic surplus_ is the age at which that same adult can afford to have a home, and support dependents. * _The age of sexual maturity is when most people start wanting sex._ But the _age of economic surplus is when people can afford to get married_. And the third: * TECHNOLOGY PRODUCES INFORMATION ECONOMIES. * An information and service economy requires longer to train for than an industrial economy, which requires longer than an agrarian economy, which requires longer than hunting and gathering. * _The more sophisticated the skillset required for economic productivity, the longer the delay before a new adult can be economically productive_. * TECHNOLOGY STRETCHES THE GAP BETWEEN SEXUAL MATURITY AND MARRIAGE. And the fourth, and final piece: * THE SEXUAL URGE CAN ONLY BE DELAYED BRIEFLY, NEVER DENIED. * Once the average person hits sexual maturity, the clock is ticking. The further from that point in time you look, the greater percentage of them will have had sexual intercourse. * If marriage can occurs at 15-16, most people can wait. This can happen when you live in a small farming village, land is close to free, and your neighbors get together to help you build your house. * If marriage occurs at 26-30, almost no one can wait. Virgin brides become a thing of the past. * _A thing becomes socially acceptable when a lot of people do it._ If a lot of people are having sex outside marriage, then SEX OUTSIDE MARRIAGE BECOMES SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE. So now we put it together: * Western Lifelong Bilaterally Monogamous Marriage 1.0 can only survive if non-marital sex is socially unacceptable. * People can't afford to get married early in a modern technological economy. * If people can't get married early, non-marital sex will become socially acceptable, because hormones don't give a shit about the real estate market. * When this happens, marriage begins to crumble, very, very slowly, but very, very inevitably, as alternatives become more widespread. Conclusion: MARRIAGE 1.0 WAS DOOMED BY TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT, LONG BEFORE FEMINISM CAME ALONG. _The only thing feminism did to Marriage 1.0 was perform an unholy ritual to turn its corpse into Marriage 2.0, a vile zombie nightmare that shambles about looking like its former self, but only existing to devour those it once loved._ The question of "Could marriage be truly resurrected?" will be left for a later article. ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/59879