Am I attracting women with mental health issues or is every woman carry heavy mental health issues? 202 upvotes | April 27, 2020 | by BareMinimumReddit ------------------------- Every single woman I get close to has some mental health issue. Not one single woman I've slept with or dated has had a healthy mental health background. Some outright mention their issues on the first few dates whereas some mention it few months down the line. Almost every girl seems to have had an episode of clinical depression. Some are on pills. Some have had self-harm or suicidal tendencies. Half of them have needed counselling. The rest half feel they don't 'need' a counselor. Literally. Every. Single. Woman. I know intimately is riddled with mental health issues. While I sympathize with them, this shit makes me not want to ever get in a relationship or a ltr with any girl ever. What about you guys? How many of the girls you've known well have had mental health issues? Am I just attracting this type or are majority women fucked up in the head? ------------------------- Archived from