Young women makes tinder profile as a male and is extremely disappointed. Redpill on the Front Page. 951 upvotes | May 27, 2020 | by drbrockstar69 ------------------------- Earlier today, a youtube video about an 18 year old woman attempting the tinder game as a male made its way to the front page and videos subreddit. Now this experiment has been done multiple times, and the results are not shocking to any person who understands hypergamy. Alexander Grace, the creator of the video, is more of a purple pill youtuber. He says some questionable things on his content (E.g, some men need a strong balance of feminine tendencies, chads who fuck a lot of women aren't really fucking quality women... like they give a fuck). But regardless, this video had some solid points that I'm glad is getting some screen time. 1. DON'T EVER ASK A WOMAN FOR ADVICE ON HOW TO GET WITH WOMEN: Now anyone who used tinder will know that nothing dries panties up more than an opener of "hey, how are you?" This woman not only used that opener for each match, but her bio had city, occupation, and "looking for a quality relationship" - listen to this woman on all things NOT to do when making a profile. Side note, she asked at the beginning if AG had any shirtless pics she could use pretending to be him. These women will push academics and intellect but even she knew from the beginning she wanted to the stallion to catch the eye. 2. THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND OR EVEN SYMPATHIZE WITH MALES: She was shocked at the lack of responses. Only 7 matches in a day?! She had no idea how males could find motivation, especially to the lack of any substance in conversations. She doesn't comprehend that men have to chase, have to be witty, and have to hold attention all while competing with hundreds of other men. She ultimately said she knows how easy it is being a female and can't wait to go back. 3. THE WALL IS REAL: Hearing this from a woman makes it more real. "Yeah I got some matches, but most of them were over the age of 30 and some weren't really that attractive." Coming from a man that would sound superficial and vain, but we all know age breeds desperation. As trite as it is, men know we age like wine, you will have options in your 30's and 40's. Keep working on yourself 4. DON'T LET DATING APPS MESS WITH YOUR PSYCHE. USE IT FOR WHAT IT IS AND NOTHING MORE: She says herself how she felt depressed after the lack of responses. And AG mentions the Tinder algorithm of high matches early on and tapering it off do ensure naive young users will pay for the service (which I don't recommend but if you got it, why not) This is an exaggerated marketplace of 80/20 rule, top 20% (probably closer to top 10%) of males will get the attention. There are benefits to these apps if you use them how they are meant. But your time will be better spent lifting and talking to girls irl. Overall - females do not understand the plight of men, and they really don't care at all. Keep moving forward, work on yourself and understand videos like these prove that no woman is worth more than your sanity. ------------------------- Archived from