How do I join the top 15% in my 20’s? 127 upvotes | June 5, 2020 | by Dripsonhold ------------------------- I’m 16 turning 17 and going into my senior year of high school and I’ve been following red pill ideology for a couple months and been applying it into to my life and it’s worked wonders I’m much happier now than I have been since I was a little kid and I think most of you guys are good with money or at least have knowledge on it. So my question as a young guy is what are some tips so that I can make good money before I’m in my 30’s? Edit: jeez man I was only expecting like 3 replies but this is awesome! You guys gave a lot of great advice that I’ll be writing down and apply to my life appreciate it you guys are the best! Also any other young guys save this post and look back on it cause there’s a lot of good shit in these replies. ------------------------- Archived from