The myth that only females can be harassed or raped needs to stop 138 upvotes | July 13, 2019 | by CARV3RR ------------------------- [] Guys get sexually harassed too 11,011 points•831 comments []•submitted 1 year ago * by taa20002 []17 to r/teenagers [] []2 [] [] ------------------------- Guess what? Guys get sexually harassed too. Wanna know how I know that? Because I've been sexually harassed multiple times. I'm not gonna get into the details because I don't wanna talk about it, even on an alt and this post will get lost in new. Anyway, I'm tried of women being like, guys don't get sexually harassed, they don't have that fear. Guess what? I do, whenever I'm around these women, I get scared. No I don't get cat called often, but I have been, multiple times by women. So stop saying I have all this privledge, that I don't understand. I've been cat called, I've been sexually harassed. I have that fear that someone might rape me. I still see these women who sexually harassed me on a weekly basis. Never tell someone they don't understand just because of there gender or race. EDIT: I made response post to this post instead of making a ton of edit subtitles. ------------------------- Archived from