LETs stop feminism! 26 upvotes | January 21, 2019 | by TheAazah ------------------------- Reasons not to support feminism in 2019. * Our parents (my mother and other mothers and grandmothers) had fought for the right for the right to vote! If it wasn't for them women wouldn't be allowed to vote. * They fought the Force adoption if it wasn't for them! Force adoption would of still be a thing. Imgaine if that was going on in our country today. That totally wouldn't fly well and back than it didn't. It was honestly quite horrific. * It not just women that get raped/ sexual assulted men get raped and sexual assulted as well the whole metoo movement was created for the victims of all genders not just women , and the feminists doesn't support the Himtoo movement , but yet wants to have equality? But where's the equality in that? * It's not just about women anymore people of all sorts have the same issues across the world. Some women aren't even allowed to drive but spare the thought of being killed just for being who you are. Lesbians, gays still get tortured murdered. But feminism still ignores all that because they claim it your sexuality has nothing to do with it? Yeah because that makes perfect sense. Feminism Becomes selfish at this point. Thus making 2019 be the end of feminism and should be more about equality. Respect one another and love. Thats what it comes down too. Might come across as sexist ( if you think it's sexist you totally missed the point and you shouldn't even speak because you just be totally wrong and no way i should allow you to be taken seriously because thats just selfish) its not just about 1 gender anymore. It's about Gays, straight, women, mothers, father's, transgenders & men We Should just be greatful we live in this awesome country called Australia! It's definitely not perfect but its close enough to be. ------------------------- Archived from https://theredarchive.com/post/711596