Road block in my level up journey 5 upvotes | February 20, 2021 | by ceedee21 ------------------------- Hello. I am a 20f black junior in college. I returned back to my dorm two weeks ago. Over my two month break I discovered FDS. Before discovering FDS, I was kind of obsessing over the fact that I am 20 and have never had a boyfriend, or lost my virginity, or even so much as had a guy look my way. Through FDS I am learning to start focusing on myself and bettering/ healing myself so I can become the version of myself that I actually want to. It was so much easier for me to do this over break since I had no school work and no friends to talk to (I'm terrible at making friends but I want to make better life lasting friends). Moving back to school made that a bit harder for me cause I had to adjust things. I've mostly been focused on my physical appearance through clothes, makeup and working out but I want to change my personality. I feel like now I am very loud, energetic, and just not feminine at all. I've been obsessing over this a bit throughout the past couple days cause now that I'm back on campus and hanging out with my suitemates and their friends and seeing that almost everyone is couples up and fucking every night it makes me feel left out. Why doesn't anyone life me? No one has ever liked me in my life and I'm 20! I was really hoping that at least someone would've liked me. I've tried tinder last semester and was too shy to meet up with anyone, then I got banned from tinder. I don't like other OLD app as much so I've kind of stopped. I guess I really just want more tips on becoming more feminine without just sitting there and nodding at everything that everyone says. And I also wanna be less obnoxious so I can may attract more guys. Thanks for reading. ------------------------- Archived from