Reading through various financial-oriented and mainstream subreddits on Reddit has made me realize a few things about the average Redditor 1 upvotes | May 27, 2020 | by banned_by_cucks ------------------------- * The average Redditor hates anyone who is successful with money. * Many suffer from crab in the bucket mentality (misery loves company) * Most of them have poor relationships with their parents. I was reading a thread an old personalfinance thread, and the guy essentially has 230k saved and is 26. Most of this is enabled by him being able to live at home and save on most major expenses people have to deal with. He notes how he has a great relationship with his parents still, and doesn't mind living with them, but he feels he may need to move out (likely due to some social shaming I'm guessing). All of the people in the comments are shaming him for living with his parents at that age, and they're all telling him "yOu'Ve SaVeD EnOugh, MoVE OUt!" or about how he's so lucky he could save that much. And then came the classic shaming tactic, "bUt WhAt aBoUT yOuR LiFe ParTNer?" as if that were relevant to the ultimate goal and scope of the subreddit, ya know -- personal finance. Now, what's the interesting caveat to this? I've read threads like this before except they feature a woman instead, and nobody is being argumentative, only telling them they should do what they want and shouldn't even feel obligated to move. Not even a hint is thrown at them about what if they want to get married or what not, which is why I think the whole complaining women do about being pressured into marriage is really more white noise than anything in all fairness (or they're so sensitive to the slightest bit of criticism that any man would simply brush off or not care about at all). Not sure where I wanted to go with this post anyways, but if I end on one thing -- younger guys out there, if you have the opportunity to live at your parents post-college and/or however you are starting off your career to save money, just fucking do it. You'll easily save yourself 10-20+ years of financial bullshit if you're saving and investing diligently. The only time it's worth moving out is if your parents are absolutely insufferable/don't respect your privacy, your best job offer is somewhere you can't live at home (even this is debatable, b/c money in - money out), or you're the type of person who wants to go out and get shit-faced every Friday and Saturday. If you're none of those people, just suck it up and save the money -- you'll be way ahead of your peers in 3-4 years, and if you're smart, you can really put yourself in a position to retire by your _EARLY 30S_. ------------------------- Archived from