Starting an important sales job. Need red pill advice on locking in success. 1 upvotes | June 29, 2017 | by scissor_me_timbers00 ------------------------- I'm starting a sales job (consultant) for solar panels. It's a good company with a good product. The sale is more of a soft sell, where you consult them, but you do have to be a closer. I've often seen advice on the red pill forum about how picking up a sales job is a very red pill and lucrative job for a young man. This job could really be a game changer for my life so I want to ensure success. Any hardcore red pill advice on how to improve my salesmanship and closing ability? I'm not gonna do any dishonest shit, i just want to know tips and frame psychology etc. My readings about the concept of frame on the red pill forum definitely seem to apply to sales. Thx, Donny ------------------------- Archived from