Resources for a man who is in a physically abusive relationship with his wife...(she beats him, bad) 69 upvotes | September 16, 2018 | by 10211799107 ------------------------- If there are any lawyers here who i could DM for guidance id appreciate it, or to get reaoursec for the state he's in. Male friend just had twins with his wife 3mo ago. He's 38 she's 41. In vitro coz she was too fucked up to get pregnant that late. Shes an OBGYM, high position at multiple hospitals and (apparently) makes a boat load of cash, multiple hundreds of thousands. He has a business he bought recently, sounds like she makes more than him. She started abusing him shorty after the birth. Things that happens regularly: * She holds the twins in both arms and talks to them saying things like "Your dad is a dumb motherfucker I'm going to divorce him.When you guys grow up you'll know how fucked up he is" * She chases him out the house and he sleeps on the garage floor or in his truck outside in the parking lot. Asks him the morning after if "he learned his lesson" * Flips her shit randomly screaming at him that she's gonna divorce him and he'll pay child support. * When he tries to ignore her she hits him in the head with her fists (he has pictures of his black eyes she gave him, showed them to me) * She offered him 100k to sign the kids away never seeing them again. Of course he doesn't want to do that. He doesnt want to divorce because he'll see the kids once a month etc. Ive never seen a man so beaten down when we met up. I told him to document the abuse somehow, if anyone here has exoerience with this please let me know. His concern is not money or child support but just see his kids when they split. She already told him she saw a lawyer. Thanks guys. ------------------------- Archived from